Quartau, RuiTempera, FernandoMitchell, Neil C.Pinheiro, Luís M.Duarte, HenriqueBrito, Pedro OliveiraBates, C. R.Monteiro, José Hipólito2013-04-152013-04-152012-04Quartau, R., Tempera, F., Mitchell, N. C., Pinheiro, L. M., Duarte, H., Brito, P. O., Bates, C. R., Monteiro, J. H. - Morphology of the Faial Island shelf, Azores : the interplay between volcanic, erosional, depositional, tectonic and mass-wasting processes. In: Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, Vol. 13, Issue 4 (28 April 2012), p. 1-301525-2027http://hdl.handle.net/10400.9/1782engMorfologiaTectónicaErosão costeiraPlataforma insularIlha vulcânicaIlha do Faial (Arquipélago dos Açores, Portugal)Morphology of the Faial Island shelf (Azores) : the interplay between volcanic, erosional, depositional, tectonic and mass-wasting processesjournal article