Alberto, Ana IsabelVoelker, Antje H. L.Nave, SilviaLebreiro, Susana2011-11-112011-11-112011-09Alberto, Ana Isabel; Voelker, Antje H. L.; Nave, Sílvia, Lebreiro, Susana - Sea surface temperature and oceanic productivity variations off the Iberian Margin during the last 20.000 years [Abstract]. In: Joint RCMNS-RCANS Interim Colloquium : Climate changes, bioevents and geochronology in the Atlantic and Mediterraneam over the last 23 Myr. Salamanca, 12-23 September 2011ças climáticasVariações térmicasTemperatura da água do marForaminíferos planctónicosHolocénicoTore SeamountMargem Ibérica OcidentalSea surface temperature and oceanic productivity variations off the Iberian Margin during the last 20.000 yearsconference object