Estanqueiro, AnaCastro, RuiFlores, PedroRicardo, JoãoPinto, MedeiroRodrigues, ReisLopes, J. Peças2013-07-182013-07-182008Estanqueiro, Ana; Castro, Rui; Flores, Medeiros []. How to Prepare a Power System for 15% Wind Energy Penetration: the Portuguese Case Study. In: Wind Energy, 2008, Vol. 11, nº 1, p. 75-841099-1824 2001/77/CE Renewable Energies European Directive together with Kyoto Protocol ratification supported by a government vision and strong objective on the reduction of external oil dependence put Portugal in the front line to achieve one of the highest wind energy penetrations within 10 years$1 (B time. This paper gives a summarized overview of the Portuguese technical approaches and methodologies followed in order to plan and accommodate the ambitious wind power goals to 2010/2013, preserving the overall quality of the power system.engHigh wind penetrationPower system operationWind powerHow to Prepare a Power System for 15% Wind Energy Penetration: the Portuguese Case Studyjournal article