Romão, JoséFerreira, Pedro Tavares2023-08-042023-08-042023-07Romão, José; Ferreira, Pedro Tavares (2023) - O sinclinório complexo de Destriz-Caramulo (Tondela): litoestratigrafia e estrutura. In: Lopes, F. C., Dinis, P. A., Duarte, L. V. e Cunha, P. P. (Coords.). XI Congresso Nacional de Geologia: Geociências e Desafios Globais. Livro de Resumos. Coimbra, 16- 20 julho de 2023, Departamento de Ciências da Terra da Universidade de Coimbra (eds.), p. 749-750. ISBN: 978-989-98914-8-7978-989-98914-8-7 alargadoSUMMARY: The revision of the geological mapping of the Caramulo-Destriz region allowed identifying the succession constituted by the Beiras Group (Neoproterozoic), on which Armorican Quartzite Formation is settled in angular discordance. This last unit succeeds in concordance with the Brejo Fundeiro Formation (Middle Ordovician) which has affinities with the sequence recognized in the Buçaco syncline and is in continuity with the Arganil quartzites. A NW-SE synclinorium with NW vergence and axial plane schistosity, associated with the main variscan phase, was also identified in the region. The outline of its axis presents the configuration of a sigmoid that resulted from a right shear, sub-parallel to the Porto-Tomar-Ferreira do Alentejo Shear Zone.porGeological mappingLithostratigraphyStructurePrincipal variscan phaseShear zoneCartografia geológicaLitoestratigráficaEstruturaFase varisca principalZona de cisalhamentoO sinclinório complexo de Destriz-Caramulo (Tondela): litoestratigrafia e estruturaThe Destriz-Caramulo (Tondela) complex synclinorium: lithostratigraphy and structureconference object