Veiga, JPCoutinho, MLSilva, TeresaFigueiredo, ElinLima, M.M.R.A.Saraiva, A.S.Carvalho, Fernanda2023-11-242023-11-242023-04Veiga, J.P... - Cultural Heritage, Materials Science and Synchrotron Radiation: a perspective from a group of Portuguese users. In: Materiais 2023: XXI Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Materiais and XII International Symposium on Materials. Livro de Resumos. GuimarĂ£es, 3-6 April, 2023, (KN5) p.10 In this communication, examples to be presented are related to ancient ceramics, glasses, archaeological slags, inorganic pigments and lithologic materials where we were able to gain new insights into composition, structure and degradation processes, contributing to their preservation and interpretation for future generation.engCultural heritageGlassesCeramicsMortarsBindersCultural Heritage, Materials Science and Synchrotron Radiation: a perspective from a group of Portuguese usersconference object