Ferreira, CristinaRitto, G.Cidade, M. T.Carvalho, Maria JoãoCunha Diamantino, Teresa2019-01-232019-01-232018Ferreira, M.C.; Ritto, G.; Cidade, M.T... [et.al.] - Aging of elastomeric components of a solar thermal collector under solar radiation. In: XV Reunión del Grupo Especializado de Polímeros GEP (RSEQ,RSEF). Punta Umbría, Huelva, 24-27 Septiembre, 2018, p. 273-274978‐84‐16621‐78‐1http://hdl.handle.net/10400.9/3111ABSTRACT: Elastomeric components play important functions in solar thermal collectors (STC’s) as sealings, fittings or absorbers, being important that they maintain their performance along STC lifetime. However, stress factors such as high temperatures and high levels of solar radiation, as exist in southern Europe countries, can affect the properties of those components. A testing programme for the assessment of elastomeric materials of such components is detailed in international standards (ISO 9808 and ISO 9553), which already considers the effect of heating.engSolar thermal systemsAging testsElastomeric materialsAging of elastomeric components of a solar thermal collector under solar radiationconference object