Amorim, RicardoFacão, JorgeRodrigues, João Carlos TeixeiraCarvalho, Maria João2013-11-112013-11-112013Amorim, Ricardo; Facão, Jorge; Rodrigues, João C.; Carvalho, M.J. UNISOL: solar combistore evaluation and optimization. In: SHC 2013 - International Conference on Solar Heating and Cooling for Buildings and Industry, Freiburg, Germany, 23-25 September, 2013 the frame of UNISOL project, a test bench was installed to perform tests of a combistore which includes a two-way heat exchanger already submitted to a national patent application. The present work describes the main characteristics of the test bench installed and the tests performed with the objective of optimization of the configuration of the inner storage tank of the combistore (two way heat exchanger), used for DHW pre-heating or as back-up of the space heating. Tests according to EN 12977-3:2012 were performed in order to evaluate distinct configurations of the inner storage tank. Tests according to EN 12977-4:2012 were also performed for characterization of the complete combistore. Long-term performances of solar thermal systems using these combistore are presented.engCombistoreOptimizationDomestic Hot WaterSpace HeatingUNISOL: solar combistore evaluation and optimizationconference object