Tymczyszyn, E. E.Santos, M. I.Costa, Maria do CéuIllanes, A.Gomez-Zavaglia, A.2014-03-042014-03-042014Tymczyszyn, E.E.; Santos, M.I.; Costa, M.C.; Illanes, A.; Gómez-Zavaglia, A. History, synthesis, properties, applications and regulatory issues of prebiotic oligosaccharides. In: Carbohydrates Applications in Medicine, M. Helena Gil, ed., Kerala, India: Research Signpost, Chapter 5, 2014, p. 127-154978-81-308-0523-8http://hdl.handle.net/10400.9/2253In this chapter, the health promoting effects of carbohydrate prebiotics are addressed. A brief description of their synthesis, thermo-physical properties, mechanisms of action, technological applications and current regulatory issues are presented.engHealth SciencesCarbohydratesPrebioticsHistory, synthesis, properties, applications and regulatory issues of prebiotic oligosaccharidesbook part