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- Accelerated aging tests to selective solar absorber coatings for low temperature applicationsPublication . Cunha Diamantino, Teresa; Gonçalves, Rita; Páscoa, Soraia; Alves, Isabel Nascimento; Carvalho, Maria JoãoABSTRACT: The need of a higher role of solar energy within the energy mix in the coming decades obliges the collectors to increase their performance and reliability. It is demanded that the solar absorbers, as the key component of solar thermal collectors, should be low cost with high efficiency for extended lifetimes under different kinds of environments. Commercially, there are presently two main types of solutions as selective solar absorbers coatings for low temperature applications: coatings obtained by physical vapour deposition (PVD) and by paint coatings (PC). These coatings present different physical and chemical characteristics. Therefore, it is important to know how these commercial coatings degrade over time in different environments. Results obtained with two different PVD coatings and three PC, under different accelerated aging tests, are presented. The aging tests performed included different environmental stress corrosion conditions: temperature, humidity, chlorides, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides. The chlorides and the gases SO2 and NO2 affect distinctly the different selective coatings. Cyclic variation of corrosion promoting gases (sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide), higher humidity, salt spraying and drying seem to be an aging test that reflects the different environments where the solar thermal collectors are exposed. In addition to the contaminants, drying/wetting cycles also play an important role in degradation mechanisms of absorber coatings. So, the international standard ISO 22975-3 needs to be revised to include cyclic conditions with these contaminants.
- Novos serviços laboratoriais de suporte na otimização de coletores solares térmicos: projeto LIFESOLAR - 2ª partePublication . Páscoa, Soraia; Cunha Diamantino, Teresa; Carvalho, Maria JoãoRESUMO: Portugal é um país com grande potancial de aproveitamento de energia solar térmica para aplicações domésticas e industriais. Estas aplicações podem ser utilizadas para produção de água quente, para aquecimento de piscimas, águas sanitárias ou para processos industriais a baixas (20-95ºC) e médias temperaturas (95ºC-250ºC) de funcionamento, podendo assim abranger diferentes tecnologias, desde coletores estacionários a coletores concentradores com seguimento. O território continental português é particularmente marcado pela extensa linha de costa que, juntamente com o elevado recurso solar, tem um forte impacto na durabilidade dos componentes dos coletores, quer sejam metálicos ou poliméricos, e no respetivo tempo de vida útil.
- Rede de laboratórios para a energia e geologiaPublication . Roseiro, J. Carlos; Trancoso, Maria Ascensão; Cunha Diamantino, Teresa; Carvalho, Maria João; Machado Leite, MárioRESUMO: O Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia (LNEG), nas suas áreas de competências reuniu as competências de anteriores instituições com um histórico de trabalho em Laboratórios com acreditação desde os anos 80. No LNEG, estes Laboratórios focaram-se em atividades da área de energia e geologia, mantendo as suas acreditações mas sentiram a necessidade de trabalhar em rede.
- Tintas seletivas para aplicação em sistemas de energia solar térmicaPublication . Alves, Isabel Nascimento; Carvalho, Maria João; Cunha Diamantino, TeresaRESUMO: As tintas espectralmente seletivas são atualmente uma potencial alternativa a outros revestimentos seletivos, como os obtidos por métodos de deposição a vácuo, para sistemas de energia solar térmica, tendo como benefícios a utilização de técnicas de aplicação e manutenção mais simples, disponibilidade comercial a mais baixo custo e elevada durabilidade. Existem apenas algumas tintas comerciais capazes de produzir revestimentos com elevado desempenho ótico e simultaneamente elevada estabilidade térmica, para algumas aplicações. Estas tintas são referidas como seletivas sensíveis ou insensíveis à espessura (TSSS e TISS). Este trabalho apresenta estas tintas seletivas, com referência aos constituintes que têm merecido maior atenção, a relação entre eles e as características óticas dos revestimentos e desempenho obtido nos diversos estudos efetuados, tanto em termos de eficiência das propriedades óticas, como de durabilidade de materiais. Pretende-se ainda dar uma visão atual da possibilidade de aplicação das tintas seletivas em sistemas de energia solar térmica a baixas-médias e altas temperaturas.
- Desenvolvimento de uma tinta espectralmente selectiva sensível à espessura (TSSS) para sistemas de conversão fototérmicaPublication . Alves, Isabel N.; Soares, Elsa; Carvalho, Maria João; Cunha Diamantino, TeresaRESUMO: As tintas espectralmente seletivas surgem como alternativa aos revestimentos seletivos obtidos por métodos de deposição a vácuo para sistemas de energia solar térmica. Um dos benefícios da sua utilização é a possibilidade de recurso a técnicas de aplicação e manutenção mais simples, disponibilidade comercial a mais baixo custo e elevada durabilidade/proteção anticorrosiva. Existem apenas algumas tintas comerciais capazes de produzir revestimentos com elevado desempenho ótico e simultaneamente elevada estabilidade térmica. É urgente o desenvolvimento de soluções que evitem a diminuição da absortância solar e o aumento da emissividade térmica destes revestimentos e que simultaneamente não comprometam o desempenho anticorrosivo. Este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de uma tinta seletiva cujas características se enquadram neste tipo de revestimento seletivo, a serem aplicadas em sistemas de energia solar térmica para baixas-médias temperaturas, visando a melhoria do desempenho destes sistemas no que respeita tanto às propriedades óticas dos revestimentos, como à durabilidade de materiais e tempo de vida da tinta, considerando matérias-primas comercialmente acessíveis e técnicas de aplicação mais simples.
- Aging of elastomeric components of a solar thermal collector under solar radiationPublication . Ferreira, Cristina; Ritto, G.; Cidade, M. T.; Carvalho, Maria João; Cunha Diamantino, TeresaABSTRACT: Elastomeric components play important functions in solar thermal collectors (STC’s) as sealings, fittings or absorbers, being important that they maintain their performance along STC lifetime. However, stress factors such as high temperatures and high levels of solar radiation, as exist in southern Europe countries, can affect the properties of those components. A testing programme for the assessment of elastomeric materials of such components is detailed in international standards (ISO 9808 and ISO 9553), which already considers the effect of heating.
- Accelerated aging tests for solar absorber coatingsPublication . Cunha Diamantino, Teresa; Gonçalves, Rita; Páscoa, Soraia; Alves, Isabel Nascimento; Chambino, Teresa; Ferreira, Cristina; Carvalho, Maria JoãoABSTRACT: The need of a higher role of solar energy within the energy mix in the coming decades obliges the systems to increase their performance and reliability. It is demanded that the solar absorbers, as the key component of solar thermal systems, should be low cost with high efficiency for extended lifetimes under different kinds of environments. Commercially, there are two different types of solutions as selective solar absorbers coatings: coatings obtained by physical vapor deposition (PVD) and by paint coatings (PC). These coatings present different physical and chemical characteristics. Therefore, it is important to know how these coatings degrade over time in different environments. Results obtained with two different PVD coatings and three PC, under different accelerated aging tests, are presented. The aging tests performed included different environmental stress corrosion conditions: temperature, humidity, chlorides, sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides. Cyclic variation of corrosion promoting gases (sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide), higher humidity, salt spraying and drying seem to be an aging test that reflects the different environments where the solar thermal collectors are exposed. In addition to the contaminants, drying / wetting cycles also play an important role in degradation mechanisms of absorber coatings.
- Assessment of durability of solar absorbers : performance criterionPublication . Páscoa, Soraia; Carvalho, Maria João; Cunha Diamantino, TeresaABSTRACT: Solar fraction, Fs, defined as the ratio between the delivered energy from a solar domestic hot water (DHW) system and the load (thermal energy necessary to satisfy domestic water heating needs), is widely accepted as performance indicator for this type of systems. Considering solar absorptance αs and thermal emittance εt as the most relevant characteristics of solar absorbers, the relation between the depreciation of these optical properties and depreciation of Fs was used by Hollands et al (1992) to define a performance criterion (PC) for assessment of long-term behavior and service life of selective solar absorbers. The PC was established mainly for solar DHW systems working with solar fractions lower than 50%. In this work, systems working with solar fractions higher than 50%, in climates of south of Europe, are considered and the suitability of solar fraction as performance indicator to develop an adequate PC is studied. As a first step simulations of thermal performance of systems using an in-house software were performed for a reduction of 5% and 10% of Fs. In ISO 22975-3, solar fraction Fs degradation must be lower than 5% to guarantee 25 years of service life for DHW system. The results showed that the parameters obtained to define the PC were incoherent considering solar fractions higher than 50%. In a second step, supplied energy was considered as performance indicator and using similar methodology as Hollands et al (1992), but using as performance indicator energy supplied by the solar system, the PC for systems working with solar fractions higher than 50%, in climates of south of Europe, was establish. The results showed that this is not significantly different from the PC considered in ISO 22975-3.
- Coletores solares térmicos : evolução do comportamento térmico após diferentes períodos de exposição em ambientes com distintas corrosividadesPublication . Carvalho, Maria João; Páscoa, Soraia; Mexa, Nuno; Gonçalves, Rita; Correia, J.; Gano, António; Cunha Diamantino, TeresaRESUMO: Os coletores solares térmicos devem estar preparados para suportar condições ambientais adversas, como temperatura, humidade e irradiância ultravioleta elevada ou cargas de vento e neve, mas também outras influências, como os níveis de contaminantes como cloretos, dióxido de enxofre e óxidos de azoto, dependendo da localização geográfica. Num trabalho que se desenvolve desde 2012, têm sido estudados os efeitos destes contaminantes existentes no ambiente exterior e a sua penetração no interior dos coletores, assim como a evolução do comportamento térmico dos coletores quando expostos por períodos prolongados em ambientes com diferentes corrosividades. Neste trabalho apresentam-se os resultados para um período de três e cinco anos em dois locais com distintas corrosividades, Sines e Lisboa, observando-se que locais como Sines com um ambiente marítimo industrial tem impacto no comportamento térmico dos coletores expostos.
- Corrosion protection of PVD and paint coatings for selective solar absorber surfacesPublication . Nunes, A.; Carvalho, Maria João; Cunha Diamantino, Teresa; Fernandes, J. C. S.The selective solar absorber surface is a fundamental part of a solar thermal collector, as it is responsible for the solar radiation absorption and for reduction of radiation heat losses. The surface’s optical properties, the solar absorption (á) and the emittance (å), have great impact on the solar thermal collector efficiency. In this work, two coatings types were studied: coatings obtained by physical vapor deposition (PVDs) and coatings obtained by projection with different paints (PCs) on aluminum substrates. The most common industrial high performing solar selective absorbers are nowadays produced by vacuum deposition methods, showing some disadvantages, such as lower durability, lower resistance to corrosion, adhesion and scratch, higher cost and complex production techniques. Currently, spectrally selective paints are a potential alternative for absorbing surfaces in low temperature applications, with attractive features such as ease of processing, durability and commercial availability with low cost. Solar absorber surfaces were submitted to accelerated ageing tests, specified in ISO 22975-3. This standard is applicable to the evaluation of the long term behavior and service life of selective solar absorbers for solar collectors working under typical domestic hot water system conditions. The studied coatings have, in the case of PVDs solar absorptions between 0.93 and 0.96 and emittance between 0.07 and 0.10, and in the case of PCs, solar absorptions between 0.91 and 0.93 and emittance between 0.40 and 0.60. In addition to evaluating long term behavior based on artificial ageing tests, it is also important to know the degradation mechanism of different coatings that are currently in the market. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) allows for the assessment of mechanistic information concerning the degradation processes, providing quantitative data as output, which can easily relate to the kinetic parameters of the system. EIS measures were carried out on Gamry FAS2 Femostat coupled with a PCL4 Controller. Two electrolytes were used, 0.5 M NaCl and 0.5 M Na2SO4, and the surfaces were tested at different immersion times up to 4 weeks. The following types of specimens have been tested: Aluminium with/without surface treatment, 3 selective paint coatings (one with a poly(urethane) binder and two with silicone binders) and 2 PVD coatings. Based on the behaviour of the specimens throughout the 4 weeks of immersion, it is possible to conclude that the coating showing the best protective properties corresponds to the selective paint coating with a polyurethane resin followed by the other paint coatings, whereas both the PVD coatings do not confer any protection to the substrate, having a deleterious effect as compared to the untreated aluminium reference.