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  • New test methodologies to analyse direct expansion solar assisted heat pumps for domestic hot water 
    Publication . Facão, Jorge; Carvalho, Maria João
    Since there are not specific standards for testing direct expansion solar assisted heat pumps for domestic hot water, new testing methodologies are proposed supported by laboratory experiments. Two methodologies were developed for performance measurement: modified BIN method and long term performance prediction with a TRNSYS model validated with specific experimental conditions. The long term performance prediction is a methodology similar to the already obtained for solar thermal systems. A system was tested in Lisbon during one year, covering almost all possible local weather conditions. The hot water tapping test cycle used was in agreement with recent standards EN16147:2011 or EN15316-3-1:2007. The influence of average daily air temperature, dew point temperature and solar irradiation was analysed. The seasonal performance factor was calculated for two cities in Portugal (Lisbon and Porto) and for additional four cities in Europe (Davos, Athens, Helsinki and Strasburg). The establishment of a procedure to calculate the seasonal performance of this kind of systems is very important according to the directive 2009/28/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • Factory Made Solar Thermal Systems - Dynamic System Testing and development of parameter identification tool and LTPP validation
    Publication . Neves, Ana; Mexa, Nuno; Facão, Jorge; Gomes, José Dias; Carvalho, Maria João
    This paper presents first results of a project that aims at the development of new mathematical models for characterization of Solar Thermal Systems (Factory Made Systems as defined in EN 12976) that can be used in association with dynamic system testing (non intrusive test method defined in the document ISO 9459-5) and which, based on the characteristic parameters defined in the adopted models, allow determination of those parameters by fitting between real test sequences and test sequences produced by the developed models, using fitting techniques independent of the models chosen for system characterization. Another important goal of the project is the validation of results for Long Term (thermal) Performance (LTP) of the solar systems, based on the models developed, by comparison with long term measurement sequences obtained by the monitoring of different system types. Installation of the testing facility for this purpose is also described in the present paper.
  • UNISOL: solar combistore evaluation and optimization
    Publication . Amorim, Ricardo; Facão, Jorge; Rodrigues, João Carlos Teixeira; Carvalho, Maria João
    In the frame of UNISOL project, a test bench was installed to perform tests of a combistore which includes a two-way heat exchanger already submitted to a national patent application. The present work describes the main characteristics of the test bench installed and the tests performed with the objective of optimization of the configuration of the inner storage tank of the combistore (two way heat exchanger), used for DHW pre-heating or as back-up of the space heating. Tests according to EN 12977-3:2012 were performed in order to evaluate distinct configurations of the inner storage tank. Tests according to EN 12977-4:2012 were also performed for characterization of the complete combistore. Long-term performances of solar thermal systems using these combistore are presented.
  • UNISOL: solar combistore evaluation and optimization
    Publication . Amorim, Ricardo; Facão, Jorge; Rodrigues, João Carlos Teixeira; Carvalho, Maria João
    In the frame of UNISOL project, a test bench was installed to perform tests of a combistore which includes a two-way heat exchanger already submitted to a national patent application. The present work describes the main characteristics of the test bench installed and the tests performed with the objective of optimization of the configuration of the inner storage tank of the combistore (two way heat exchanger), used for DHW pre-heating or as back-up of the space heating. Tests according to EN 12977-3:2012 were performed in order to evaluate distinct configurations of the inner storage tank. Tests according to EN 12977-4:2012 were also performed for characterization of the complete combistore. Long-term performances of solar thermal systems using these combistore are presented. Long-term performance prediction based on testing results according to EN 12977-3:2012, showed how an increased active volume of the heat exchanger enhances the energy available for space heating, although it may decrease solar collector thermal performance and increase the energy losses of the combistore. Long-term performance prediction based on testing results according to EN 12977-4:2012, considering a lower heat loss coefficient since a better insulation of the combistore is expected in future prototypes, showed fsav values for Davos and Wurzburg of 39.3% and 25.3%, respectively.
  • Prediction of sunlight-driven CO2 conversion: producing methane from photovoltaics, and full system design for single-house application
    Publication . Vieira, F.; Sarmento, B.; Machado, Ana; Facão, Jorge; Carvalho, Maria João; Mendes, Manuel Joao; Fortunato, Elvira; Martins, Rodrigo
    ABSTRACT: CO2 capture and utilization (CCU) technologies are being immensely researched as means to close the anthropogenic carbon cycle. One approach known as artificial photosynthesis uses solar energy from photovoltaics (PV), carbon dioxide and water to generate hydrocarbon fuels, being methane (CH4) a preferential target due to the already in place infrastructures for its storage, distribution and consumption. Here, a model is developed to simulate a direct (1-step) solar methane production approach, which is studied in two scenarios: first, we compare it against a more conventional 2-step methane production route, and second, we apply it to address the energetic needs of concept buildings with usual space and domestic hot water heating requirements. The analysed 2-step process consists in the PV-powered synthesis of an intermediate fuel - syngas - followed by its conversion to CH4 via a Fischer -Tropsch (methanation) process. It was found that the 1-step route could be adequate to a domestic, small scale use, potentially providing energy for a single-family house, whilst the 2-step can be used in both small and large scale applications, from domestic to industrial uses. In terms of overall solar-to-CH4 energy efficiency, the 2-step method reaches 13.26% against the 9.18% reached by the 1-step method. Next, the application of the direct solar methane technology is analysed for domestic buildings, in different European locations, equipped with a combination of solar thermal collectors (STCs) and PV panels, in which the heating needs that cannot be fulfilled by the STCs are satisfied by the combustion of methane synthesized by the PV-powered electrolyzers. Various combinations of situations for a whole year were studied and it was found that this auxiliary system can produce, per m(2) of PV area, in the worst case scenario 23.6 g/day (0.328 kWh/day) of methane in Stockholm, and in the best case scenario 47.4 g/day (0.658 kWh/day) in Lisbon.