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  • An integrated investigation of the Rio tailings, Panasqueira mine, Centre Portugal
    Publication . Grangeia, Carlos; Ávila, Paula Freire; Matias, Manuel; Silva, E. Ferreira da
    The risks associated with mine tailings have different nature and, thus, only a multiple approach can investigate and monitor comprehensively the characteristics and evolution of mine tailings impacts on the environment. Deposition at the Rio tailings (Panasqueira Mine) lasted about ninety years. Over one million cubic metres, of complex very fine to fine material, are deposited on a mountain side overlaying the Zezere river, increasing the risk of contamination of one of the most important hydrographic basins in central Portugal. Herein, a multidisciplinary study including geophysics, geochemistry and borehole information, organized in a GIS, is used to characterize the Rio tailings. The geophysical survey comprised ERT (Electrical Resistivity Tomography) and GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar) on the mud impoundment, as well as, on the slope of the tailings. The geochemical survey consisted on collecting water and tailings samples, iron coatings, arsenopyrite stockpile material and ferruginous crust. Samples collected in boreholes, drilled specifically for this project, were also analyzed. The GIS provided imaging of the geophysical, geochemical and particle size spatial distribution, so that comparisons between the different data sets are easily done. Resistivity and GPR allowed bedrock positioning. GPR was able to give layering results within the tailings. Finally, comparison and correlation between geophysical and geochemical results are carried out and evaluated on the GIS platform.
  • Soil geochemical survey in Panasqueira mine surroundings (Central Portugal) : mining, metal(loid)s and related environmental impact
    Publication . Candeias, Carla; Salgueiro, Ana Rita; Silva, Eduardo Ferreira da; Ávila, Paula Freire; Melo, Rita
  • Spatial distribution approach to evaluate soil contamination in the surrounding area of Panasqueira mine
    Publication . Salgueiro, Ana Rita; Candeias, Carla; Silva, Eduardo Ferreira da; Ávila, Paula Freire
  • Mining activities in Panasqueira area : impact and threats in ecosystems and human health in rural communities
    Publication . Candeias, Carla; Silva, Eduardo Ferreira da; Ávila, Paula Freire; Coelho, Patrícia; Teixeira, João Paulo
  • Heavy metal pollution in mine-soil-plant system in S. Francisco de Assis - Panasqueira mine (Portugal)
    Publication . Candeias, Carla; Melo, Rita; Ávila, Paula Freire; Silva, Eduardo Ferreira da; Salgueiro, Ana Rita; Teixeira, João Paulo
    The active Panasqueira mine is a tin–tungsten (Sn–W) mineralization hosted by metasediments with quartz veins rich in ferberite. The economic exploitation has been focused on wolframite, cassiterite and chalcopyrite. The mineralization also comprises several sulphides, carbonates and silver sulphosalts. The mining and beneficiation processes produces arsenic-rich mine wastes laid up in huge tailings and open air impoundments that are the main source of pollution in the surrounding area, once the oxidation of sulphides can result in the mobilization and migration of trace metals/metalloids from the mining wastes into the environment, releasing contaminants into the ecosystem. A geochemical survey was undertaken, in order to investigate the environmental contamination impact on agricultural and residential soils in S. Francisco de Assis village due to the mining activities. Rhizosphere samples, vegetables (Solanum tubersum sava and Brassica olerácea L.) which constitute an important part of the local human diet), irrigation waters and road dusts were collected in private residences in S. Francisco de Assis village. According to the Ontario guidelines ( Ministry of Environment, 2011), the Arsenic contents in the rhizosphere soils exceed 20 times the reference value for agricultural soils (11 mg kg-1). The result obtained showed that some edible plants frequently used in the region could be enriched in these metals/metalloids and may represent a serious hazard if consumed. The potatoes tend to have a preferential accumulation in the leaves and roots while in cabbages most elements have a preferential accumulation in the roots. An index of the risk for residents, due to ingesting of these metals/metalloids, by consuming vegetables grown around the sampling area, was calculated and the result indicates that the inhabitants of S. Francisco de Assis village are probably exposed to some potential health risks through the intake of arsenic, cadmium and also lead via consuming their vegetables.
  • Modelling the impact of Panasqueira mine on the ecosystems and human health : a multidisciplinary approach
    Publication . Candeias, Carla; Silva, Eduardo Ferreira da; Salgueiro, Ana Rita; Ávila, Paula Freire; Coelho, P.; Teixeira, J. P.
  • Avaliação do impacte da drenagem de água ácida na hidrogeoquímica do rio Zêzere : o caso de estudo da mina da Panasqueira, Portugal
    Publication . Ávila, Paula Freire; Ferreira, Adelaide; Salgueiro, Ana Rita; Candeias, Carla; Melo, Rita; Silva, Eduardo Ferreira da
    A mineralização hidrotermal da Panasqueira localiza-se no centro de Portugal e é o maior depósito de Sn-W da Europa Ocidental. A exploração mineira e as operações do tratamento do minério deram origem a escombreiras de grandes dimensões, principalmente, nas áreas do Cabeço do Pião (escombreira do Rio) e Barroca Grande. A exploração e beneficiação dos processos de tratamento no local geraram rejeitados ricos em metais. A oxidação dos sulfuretos existentes na escombreira e o escoamento pela barragem de contenção de lixiviados, são os responsáveis pela mobilização e migração dos metais a partir dos rejeitados da mina até ao meio ambiente. As descargas das drenagens de água ácida da escombreira do Rio possuem um valor baixo de pH (pH < 3) e elevadas concentrações em metais pesados. No Rio Zêzere, o Fe e o As são os elementos que apresentam o mais rápido decaimento de teores uma vez que o As é adsorvido/e ou coprecipita e forma compostos pouco solúveis com os óxidos e hidróxidos de ferro. Em locais com baixo pH as espécies de Fe dissolvidas ocorrem, principalmente, como sulfatos complexos devido à elevada concentração de SO4 2-. Melanterite (Fe2+(SO4).7(H2O)) e pequenas quantidades de rozenite (Fe2+(SO4).4(H2O)) e szomolnokite (Fe2+(SO4).(H2O)) foram observadas na base da escombreira do Rio.
  • Acid mine drainage from the Panasqueira mine and its influence on Zêzere river (Central Portugal)
    Publication . Candeias, Carla; Ávila, Paula Freire; Silva, Eduardo Ferreira da; Ferreira, Adelaide; Salgueiro, Ana Rita; Teixeira, João Paulo
    The Panasqueira hydrothermal mineralization, located in central Portugal, is the biggest Sn–W deposit of the Western Europe. The main evidences of the mining exploitation and ore treatment operations are testified with huge tailings, mainly, in the Rio and Barroca Grande areas. The mining and beneficiation processes, at the site, produces metal rich mine wastes. Oxidation of sulfides tailings and flow from open impoundments are responsible for the mobilization and migration of metals from the mine wastes into the environment. Acid mine drainage (AMD) discharged from Rio tailing has a pH around 3 and high metal concentrations. In Zêzere river, Fe and As are the most rapidly depleted downstream from AMD once As adsorbs, coprecipitate and form compounds with iron oxyhydroxides. The Zêzere river waters are oversaturated with respect to kaolinite and goethite and ferrihydrite can precipitate on stream with a near-neutral pH. At sites having low pH the dissolved Fe species in the water, mainly, occur as sulfate complexes due to a high SO4 concentration. Melanterite (Fe2+(SO4)·7(H2O)) and minor amounts of rozenite (Fe2+(SO4)·4(H2O)) and szomolnokite (Fe2+(SO4)·(H2O)) were observed on Rio tailing basement.