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Triggering Deep Renovation of Buildings in Portugal

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ABSTRACT: EU and national buildings related regulations are moving towards policies that improve indoor thermal comfort, reduce energy consumption and its environmental impact by establishing very ambitious targets in the emissions reduction in the decades to come. In this context, improving energy efficiency through deep energy renovations is a key action line because of its potential to meet long-term climate and energy targets. However, deep renovations need to become more environmentally friendly, more reliable in terms of performance and more attractive to all concerned stakeholders, in addition of enabling the implementation of the Near Zero -Energy Building (nZEB) assumed by the Energy Performance of Building Directive in 2010. This paper highlights the key aspects related to the strategic pillars of deep renovation and explore ongoing related funding schemes to meet Portugal's carbon neutrality and related sustainability goals.



Zero Energy Buildings NZEB Buildings Renewable energy sources Portugal


Aelenei, D... - Triggering Deep Renovation of Buildings in Portugal. In: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol. 1185, article nº 012019

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