Browsing by Author "Costa, Paula Silva"
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- An evaluation study for improving gap flow simulations in coastal areas on PortugalPublication . Costa, Paula Silva; Mouche, A.; Estanqueiro, AnaWinds inferred by Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) satellites are a very important source of spatial wind field behavior along coastal areas particularly on small coastal areas that are temporary affected by strong flow disturbances mainly driven from land to the ocean. Gap flow circulations, among others, are an example of such wind phenomena disturbances which are not yet described by regional atmospheric models nor by CFD modeling. Such situations could compromise both offshore wind resource and park deployment studies on places affected by the presence of these phenomena types. A possible way to overcome this situation is the usage of SAR images assimilated into regional atmospheric models using certain type of assimilation techniques. In this work, a real case occurred in a coastal area in Portugal will be taken into account. A strong gap flow occurred during the beginning of the night 9 December 2010 was captured by a SAR image which was assimilated into the model. Some validation meteorological stations were used for validation purposes taken into account scenarios performed with and without wind SAR assimilation. Spatial results lead to the conclusion that the assimilation of SAR images improves the wind pattern results which reflects how SAR assimilation into the mesoscale models are important for simulating the coastal wind flow patterns.
- Assessment of the sustainable offshore wind potential in PortugalPublication . Costa, Paula Silva; Simões, Teresa; Estanqueiro, AnaThe sustainable offshore wind potential for the west and south coasts of Portugal is presented. Results were carried out using an atmospheric mesoscale model and GIS tools. Unlike previous common opinions, the preliminary results show the existence of interesting areas for the developing of offshore wind parks.
- Building a wind atlas for mainland Portugal using a weather type classificationPublication . Costa, Paula Silva; Estanqueiro, Ana; Miranda, PedroA weather type classification scheme was implemented for the construction of a wind atlas to mainland Portugal. This methodology produced 26 different weather types computed by geostrophic vorticity at mean sea level pressure. Applying a simple calculus scheme, it is possible to find the most likely representative day for each weather type if a meteorological database with wind data is available. Each selected day can be simulated by a mesoscale model (e.g.MM5) being possible to construct the final wind atlas through the sum of the simulated days, weighted by the respective frequency factor. In this paper, it is shown that the results obtained by the application of this classification scheme for mean wind and energy density fields are very similar to long term simulations.
- Caracterização do recurso eólico em ambiente urbano : aplicação a uma zona urbana portuguesaPublication . Costa, Paula Silva; Simões, Teresa; Estanqueiro, AnaRESUMO: Este trabalho apresenta uma metodologia de avaliação preliminar do recurso eólico numa área urbana através do uso de um modelo digital de terreno urbano (DTM urbano) desenvolvido pelos autores tendo a sua metodologia de criação já apresentado resultados promissores, sobretudo quando aplicada em modelos comerciais CFD. Neste trabalho recorreu-se a um modelo comercial de referência do sector de energia eólica para o cálculo do recurso do vento, o modelo WaspEngineering, e ao modelo freeware CDF-OpenFoam, de forma a avaliar o impacto das estimativas obtidas por ambos os modelos com a utilização do modelo digital de terreno urbano. Um perfilador vertical de vento – Lidar - capaz de inferir o vento horizontal a diversas alturas acima do nível do mar foi instalado no telhado de um edifício selecionado para fins de validação do perfil vertical do vento dentro da área urbana. O modelo digital de terreno urbano permite a introdução da descrição do tecido urbano acoplado à orografia da região como se fosse um terreno complexo. Os resultados obtidos mostram que a metodologia do terreno digital urbano é favorável para estudar o comportamento do perfil vertical do vento em ambiente urbano em altíssima resolução espacial, uma vez que estão de acordo com as observações inferidas por Lidar, e por outro lado, adequada ao uso em modelos CFD de várias tipologias – comerciais e freeware.
- Caracterização do vento urbano com recurso a modelos CFD e não-CFD: aplicação a uma cidade portuguesa [Comunicação oral]Publication . Costa, Paula Silva; Simões, Teresa; Estanqueiro, Ana
- Caracterização do vento urbano com recurso a um modelo CFD open-source : aplicação a uma cidade portuguesaPublication . Costa, Paula Silva; Simões, Teresa; Estanqueiro, AnaRESUMO: Neste trabalho, é apresentado um estudo de avaliação preliminar do recurso eólico numa área urbana através do uso de um modelo digital de terreno urbano (DTM urbano) desenvolvido em trabalhos anteriores pelos autores, particularmente para aplicação em modelos comerciais CFD. Neste trabalho pretendeu-se utilizar um modelo comercial de referência do sector de energia eólica para o cálculo do recurso do vento, o modelo WaspEngineering bem como o modelo freeware CDF-OpenFoam, e avaliar o impacto das estimativas obtidas por ambos os modelos através do modelo digital de superfí-cie. Um mastro anemométrico equipado com anemômetro e cata-vento foi instalado no telhado de um edifício dentro da área urbana selecionada para fins de validação das estimativas de vento. O modelo digital de terreno urbano permite a introdução da descrição do tecido urbano acoplado à orografia da região como se fosse um terreno complexo. Os resulta-dos obtidos mostram que a metodologia do terreno digital urbano é adequada para estudar o comportamento do vento urbano em altíssima resolução espacial em áreas urbanas, uma vez que estão de acordo com as observações. Também a metodologia relacionada ao desenvolvimento do DTM urbano mostra-se adequada para uso em modelos de CFD comerci-ais ou freeware.
- Certainty gain effect on wind power forecasting in the electricity market [Comunicação oral]Publication . Couto, António; Rodrigues, L.; Costa, Paula Silva; Silva, João M. Henriques da; Estanqueiro, Ana
- Development and validation of the Portuguese wind atlasPublication . Costa, Paula Silva; Miranda, Pedro; Estanqueiro, AnaA methodology to construct a wind potential atlas for mainland Portugal is presented. A long term simulation with the popular MM5 mesoscale weather model was made with a whole year of reanalysis data (1999 year) in order to compute a mean wind annual cycle. Results were corrected by an intra annual variability factor and compared with four reference wind masts monitored by INETI for 12 years for validation purposes. The results obtained in this work are expected to present the wind energy developers a first estimate of the wind potential in mainland Portugal. Other useful applications can also be considered such as Tourism, territory planning and management, among others.
- Estimativa de potenciais técnicos de energia renovável em Portugal: eólico, solar fotovoltaico, solar concentrado, biomassa e oceanosPublication . Simoes, Sofia; Simões, Teresa; Barbosa, Juliana; Rodrigues, Carlos; Azevedo, Pedro; Cardoso, João P.; Facão, Jorge; Costa, Paula Silva; Justino, Paulo Alexandre; Gírio, Francisco; Reis, Alberto; Passarinho, Paula; Duarte, Luís C.; Moura, Patrícia; Abreu, Mariana; Estanqueiro, Ana; Couto, António; Oliveira, Paula; Quental, Lídia; Patinha, Pedro; Catarino, Justina; Picado, AnaExecutive Summary: There is a clear need to accelerate the energy transition, including the implementation of renewable electricity production plants, as well as the increase in consumption of other renewable energy carriers in buildings, industry, transport and other sectors. This work provides key information to make this transition possible, that is, the technical renewable energy potentials for Portugal. The aim is thus to contribute to policy support, as well as to decision-making by various Portuguese stakeholders (public and private) in the domains of energy, energy transition and greenhouse gases emissions mitigation. The work presents the technical renewable energy potentials for Portugal to: (i) decentralized solar photovoltaic (PV) plants in artificialized (or built-up) areas; (ii) centralized solar PV plants in non-artificialized (or natural) areas; (iii) concentrated solar power; (iv) onshore wind; (v) offshore wind (floating and fixed); (vi) bioenergy, and (vii) solar thermal. The wave energy primary energy resource potential is also presented (not the technical potential). The technical potential values of renewable energy sources (RES) presented are dynamic values, given the substantial uncertainty associated with their estimation. The study identifies technical RES potentials i.e., the technically viable energy generation achievable from a specific technology, considering the primary energy resource available and the geographic, environmental and land use limitations. RES economic potentials represent the fraction of RES technical potential that is economically viable, but they are not presented in this work. Likewise, this report does not address market potential, that translate the capacity and energy generation that the market effectively manages to implement. The presented RES technical potentials include the total capacity currently installed in the country. The technical potentials are estimated mostly for mainland Portugal, in most cases with a spatial disaggregation of at least NUT2 and sometimes for NUT5 and/or type of building. Despite adopting an approach based on a territorial analysis in which some areas of the country are excluded, this potential does not correspond to the work done in mapping less-sensitive areas towards future definition of RES “Go-To Areas”. The decentralized solar PV potential in artificialized areas is divided into 6 area types: industrial areas; commercial buildings; residential and mixed-use buildings; villas; health, education, cultural, tourist and military buildings, and other land uses (including parking lots and patios, ports, waste and wastewater treatment infrastructure, sports facilities, among others). It is estimated a technical potential of 23.33 GW that could generate up to 36.84 TWh/year. This potential is distributed throughout the entire territory of mainland Portugal but is higher in the North and Center regions. The RES technical potential for centralized solar PV was estimated as a range of values that translate the uncertainty associated with using different levels of concern in excluding certain areas in which solar PV can be deployed (for example to safeguard ecosystems, water resources, agriculture or archaeological heritage). The centralized solar PV potential varies between 168.82 GW and 45.63 GW. The maximum threshold of installed capacity could generate 278.11 TWh/year of electricity. The value is high and reflects on the one hand, the excellence of the solar resource throughout the country, and on the other, the large size of the considered areas. The CSP potential is 62.6 GW with a corresponding electrical production potential of 183.61 TWh/year. It is mainly located in the Alentejo region, although other areas have also been identified in other regions of the country. The wind onshore technical potential is 15.7 GW, that could generate 37.13 TWh/year, taking into account the safeguarding of various areas for the protection of ecosystems and also social acceptability issues. In the case of offshore wind and considering a capacity density of 4 MW/km2 for floating offshore and 5.5 MW/km2 for fixed offshore, a total of 36 GW and 2 GW are obtained, respectively. This capacity could generate up to 126.14 TWh/year (floating offshore) or 6.31 TWh/year (fixed offshore). The solar thermal energy potential focused residential and service buildings (such as nursing homes, barracks, etc., tourism, hospitals, indoor swimming pools and other sports facilities). The potential is of 0.95 GWt and 0.95 TWh/year for service buildings, 7.26 GWt and 5.84 TWh/year for residential buildings. For industry there is a potential of 1.06 GWt, which could generate up to 1.15 TWh/year for applications up to 160 ºC. The total technical potential of solar thermal is 9.25 GWt and 7.93 TWh/year of thermal energy generated, with a substantial weight of residential buildings in the total value. Potential values are disaggregated by NUTS III and type of building. In terms of biomass and bioenergy potential, annual values of forest biomass, agricultural biomass, agro-industrial waste, urban waste and wastewater treatment are estimated, totaling around 58 TWh/year. Regarding the production of biofuels (HVO and FAME) it is estimated that the annual production of domestic used oils and other similar residues is 1.4 TWh/year. The use of oils from food crops such as soybean, sunflower and rapeseed is limited by European (and national) policy guidelines and is 2.1 TWh/year. Regarding wave energy, the resource potential is estimated between 1.4 GW for 80 m bathymetry and 4.8 for 20 m bathymetry. There are substantial uncertainties associated with the presented values, inherent to the methodological approach considered. Nevertheless, these estimates are a valuable starting point to be refined and improved in subsequent updates.
- A first methodology for wind energy resource assessment in urbanised areas in PortugalPublication . Simões, Teresa; Costa, Paula Silva; Estanqueiro, AnaThe onshore wind power capacity in Portugal has increased very rapidly in the last five years and this high rate of development is expected to continue up to 2013 although at a slower rate. By then almost all sustainable onshore resource assessment will be deployed. Nevertheless, the full exploitation of the wind resource in Portugal offers other possibilities, among them the installation of small wind turbines (SWT), namely micro-turbines for domestic use in urban and constructed environments. To contribute to the needs of developers, investors and the overall population’s expectations and needs into this newer type of renewable market, a new a new line of research related to the wind resource assessment in urban and constructed areas was initiated. The present work presents a first user-friendly method to assess the urban wind potential at low experimental and computational costs, compatible with the scale of investment of micro-generation. A case study, where an urban area is identified and treated as very complex topography, was characterized in terms of wind resource, being the preliminary results presented here.