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- AGEO Deliverable 4.2: Status report on the stakeholder requirements on the use of Copernicus EMS in the participating regionsPublication . Quental, Lídia; Gonçalves, Pedro; Machado, SusanaABSTRACT: This work shows stakeholders requirements and needs related to the Copernicus data and products, focused on the Copernicus Emergency Management Service (EMS). The EMS is the space dedicated service for the management of natural or human-induced disasters and humanitarian crisis and provides a wealth of information to support all phases of the emergency management cycle gathering different actors. Among the several components for emergency response, the on-demand mapping component (EMSR) provides rapid maps for emergency response and risk and recovery maps (EMSN) for prevention and planning. Another component relates to the early warning and monitoring providing continuous alerts about fires, floods and drought. In this work an overview of the various type of products in the EMS is given. The stakeholders impressions and requirements were gathered through different sources, including: a) open data and information available through public portals, b) country information acquired over time related to Copernicus data and services and national institutions, and c) interaction with stakeholders groups, e.g. national civil protection authority, researchers, and public bodies with competences in geohazard risk management, including thematic dedicated Copernicus sessions within the AGEO project. Most of the impressions related to Copernicus EMS were gathered within specialised stakeholders related to geohazards, with or without experience in Copernicus services. From the experts, very few are involved in the development and implementation of any tool for these services. The identified requirements are related to: 1) ACCESS TO DATA FOR ADDED-VALUE PRODUCTS, 2) SCALE, 3) InSAR /PSInSAR, 4) DELIVERY OF THE SERVICE, 5) NEAR REAL TIME INFORMATION, and 6) EDUCATIONAL CONTENTS. Some of these requirements can have a partial response by mechanisms within Copernicus EMS, but it implies the activation of the service, EMSR or EMSN, for 1), 2) and 3). In 5), the pre-tasking of the satellites, issued by an alert from EFAS concerning river floods and based on its potential impact, requires more interaction with national entities (EFAS partner and Civil protection authority) for more detailed comprehension of the workflow. Another possibility to minimise the time issues in 5) is to use UAV, already adopted in some activations. Ongoing developments of other Copernicus services, as well as using information of those services, can benefit geohazards analysis and monitoring. The EU-Ground Motion Service has the main objective of measure ground displacements and deformation. The first product in the European space will be available to users in Q1 2022, providing a useful tool to support geohazards. The EU-Ground Motion Service can partially fulfil part of the stakeholders requirements, in 3), with a yearly update about the European space. Concerning educational contents, in 6), there are dedicated platforms for knowledge and uptake of Copernicus data, but potentially could be developed more information related to geohazards.
- AGEO Deliverable D4.1: Status report on the use of Copernicus EMS in the participating regionsPublication . Quental, Lídia; Machado, SusanaABSTRACT: This works aims to establish the status of the Copernicus Emergency Management Service (EMS) in Portugal, based on multiple sources. EMS supports all phases of the emergency management cycle: preparedness, prevention, disaster risk reduction, emergency response and recovery, providing civil protection authorities and Humanitarian Aid Agencies, with timely and accurate geo-spatial information derived from satellite remote sensing and completed by available in situ or open data sources. It is composed of an on-demand mapping component providing rapid maps for emergency response (EMSR) and risk and recovery maps for prevention and planning (EMSN), as well as an early warning and monitoring component. Of the 20 activations in Portugal until now, the predominant type of disaster is fire, followed by floods in EMSR and multiple hazard in EMSN, among others. The products have different formats and are available online. Geohazards, in the s.s. as disasters of geological origin, whether related to internal or external geodynamic processes, correspond to very few activations of EMSN, and exceptionally floods, as mixed natural hazard in EMSR activation. A stakeholder survey designed by IGME to check the level of engagement with service provider’s, still with a limited number of respondents, highlights that the majority of the stakeholders, both individual or organizations, demonstrate a medium to high knowledge about Copernicus EMS and had already requested Copernicus data. This was considered useful as well as the experience with the service. Although most of the stakeholders are not involved in the development or implementation of tools dedicated to geohazards, the overall engagement with these dedicated tools is remarkable. Other activities such as a dedicated Copernicus workshop for AGEO increased the knowledge of Copernicus EMS through experts from the European Commission and Portuguese focal point and Authorised User to activate the service. A few bottlenecks were identified through the Copernicus EMS activation chain such as time issues that can compromise the performance of the service and its effective support to the users for the disaster management. Another one is related to the availability of ancillary data that can compromise the result of the final product, relying solely on open access data or provided by the user. Best practices of the Copernicus EMS were are also identified at several levels, i.e. concerning pre-tasking of satellite images using early warning systems and linking the two main components of EMS (monitoring and on demand), data sources, scale, easiness of activation and data accessibility.
- Análise técnica do impacto da mudança de hora legal na penetração da geração de energia renovável não controlável no consumo em Portugal continentalPublication . Silva, João M. Henriques da; Couto, António; Duque, JoaquimRESUMO: A análise técnica do impacto da alteração do regime de hora legal no consumo de energia em Portugal Continental, suprido pela geração de energia renovável não despachável (VRE) e, por isso, não regulável em função do consumo, procurou averiguar a presença de eventuais benefícios que poderiam decorrer dessa alteração. Contudo, neste domínio de análise, não foi detetada a existência de qualquer vantagem significativa decorrente da alteração do regime de hora legal vigente para quaisquer outros regimes de hora legal analisados.
- Área de Moleanos (Maciço Calcário Estremenho) : litologia temática e sondagensPublication . Carvalho, Jorge
- Aumentar os impactos transformadores das inovações sustentáveis: evidência das tecnologias de energia renovável marinhaPublication . Fontes, Margarida; Bento, Nuno; Sousa, Cristina; Barbosa, Juliana; Santos, Hélder; Sá Marques, TeresaRESUMO: Tanto as empresas como os decisores políticos procuram aproveitar as oportunidades para criar atividade e emprego na transição para uma economia de baixo carbono. Os co-benefícios da transição sustentável são cada vez mais investigados pelos ganhos potenciais que proporcionam aos países e pela sua contribuição para a aceitação social da transição sustentável. Em particular, o desenvolvimento e a experimentação de novas tecnologias energéticas deverão criar efeitos de aprendizagem localizados que melhorem os custos e o desempenho dessas tecnologias, permitindo, ao mesmo tempo, que os atores criem capacidade e diversifi quem para novas atividades necessárias à cadeia de valor emergente. Este Policy brief esclarece como a política tecnológica e a estratégia industrial se podem complementar, de modo a criar recursos coletivos para acelerar o progresso de tecnologias emergentes, obtendo vantagens competitivas, e transformando os sectores existentes.
- Avaliação do potencial e impacto do biometano em PortugalPublication . Cabrita, Isabel; Silva, Luís; Di Berardino, Santino; Gírio, Francisco; Marques, Isabel PaulaABSTRACT: O PNAER 2020, D.R. 1ª Série Nº 70, de 10 de Abril 2013, identifica políticas e atividades necessárias implementar para garantir o cumprimento do plano nacional relativamente à promoção da utilização das fontes de energia renovável nos diferentes setores. Uma das áreas estratégicas a promover refere-se ao “Biometano”, apresentando como objetivo a avaliação do potencial do biometano em Portugal e suas aplicações alternativas em apoio à definição de regulamentação das especificações necessárias para a sua injeção na rede de gás natural (GN). Com esta avaliação prevê-se possibilitar a utilização de biometano para outros fins para além da produção de eletricidade. Recentemente publicada, a Diretiva 2014/94/UE do Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho de 22 de Outubro de 2014 estabelece princípios orientadores relativamente à criação de uma infraestrutura para combustíveis alternativos na Europa, a qual promove a existência de postos de abastecimento de combustíveis alternativos para o setor de transportes em que se inclui o biometano. Duas situações poderão ser consideradas: a introdução de biometano na atual rede de distribuição de gás natural (GN); a existência de uma rede de postos de abastecimento locais que utilizem biometano produzido localmente ou em locais mais remotos tirando partido da logística de distribuição de gás através de camiões cisterna implementada para o GN.
- Avaliação do potencial e impacto do biometano em Portugal: Sumário executivoPublication . Cabrita, Isabel; Silva, Luís; Di Berardino, Santino; Gírio, Francisco; Marques, Isabel Paula
- Bacia Hidrográfica da Ribeira do Poço das Patas : documento síntesePublication . Pereira, Ana Paula Teixeira; Santos, Renata
- Building new indicators for researchers’ careers and mobility based on electronic curriculum vitae: the case of the DeGóis platformPublication . Fontes, Margarida; Assis, José; Araújo, Emília; Bento, Sofia; Henriques, Luísa; Pirralha, André; Santos, LeonelThere are currently two main databases in Portugal regarding researchers’ electronic CVs: • the FCT-SIG (Council for Science and Technology-Information and Management System) – hereafter called the FCT Information System, and • the DeGóis Platform Although this report will be concentrated on discussing the DeGóis Platform, since the latter will prevail in the medium/long term, replacing the former one, we believe it is useful to shed some light on the FCT Information System, as it still comprises the bulk of researchers’ electronic CVs in Portugal.
- Business model for standalone solar cooking appliancePublication . Simões, Teresa; Cardoso, João P.; Couto, António; Chepkorir, Sheila; Savio, Dominique; Cuamba, BoaventuraABSTRACT: The present report was developed as part of the research activities of the PURAMS project Task 10.1 - Resource assessment and business model development. PURAMS aims to promote the development and increased access to clean cooking technologies. This report presents the business model for the PURAMS’s project related to the use of solar e-cooking using PV systems and storage capabilities. It analyses the socio-economic context in African countries with a particular focus on three case study countries – Kenya, Rwanda and Mozambique. To this end, the project conducted three surveys and two experimental campaigns using Electric Pressure Cooking (EPC) devices in order to understand the energy needs and dimension the systems for an efficient use. For this work, the CANVAS model was used to identify the main actors in the e-cooking process, such as key suppliers, users and other intervenient, as well as the value propositions for this type of business. The most common business models in clean cooking have been analysed and serve as a basis for the development of this report. The main results of this work are related with the key economic indicators of the e-cooking system and the potential users. From the results, it is possible to conclude that the costs associated to its dissemination need a strong intervention from the governments in what concerns the granting of incentives and support to the possible users, together with the establishment of actions for stakeholders’ involvement that can potentiate de dissemination of clean cooking in African countries.