Browsing by Author "Silva, Paulo Bravo"
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- Alguns aplito-pegmatitos graníticos com minerais de Li das regiões centro e norte de PortugalPublication . Neiva, A.M.R.; Ramos, João Farinha; Silva, Paulo Bravo
- Alguns aplito-pegmatitos graníticos com minerais de Li das regiões centro e norte de PortugalPublication . Neiva, A.M.R.; Ramos, João Farinha; Silva, Paulo Bravo
- Electron microprobe analysis of cryolitePublication . Guimarães, Fernanda; Silva, Paulo Bravo; Ferreira, Jorge Amaral; Piedade, A. P.; Vieira, M. T. F.A sample of cryolite was studied with a JEOL JXA 8500-F electron microprobe under several operating conditions. A TAP crystal was used to analyse Na and Al and a LDE1 crystal to analyse F. As F and Na are both highly "volatile" elements, special care must be taken during analysis. The measurement order of Na, F and Al is not irrelevant and optimum conditions may also result in different combinations of accelerating voltage, beam current, beam size or counting times. Relevant X-ray signals were recorded in order to investigate the behaviour of the Na Ka and F Ka counts with elapsed time. The incident beam current was also recorded at the same time. In a clear contrast to what has normally been reported in the EPMA analysis of aluminosilicates and silicate glasses, we found that the Na X-ray counts increase with time. This increment of X-rays intensities for sodium in cryolite depends on the operating conditions and is accompanied by a strong migration of fluorine from the beam excitation volume, leading to a decrease in F X-ray counting rates. It was also observed that higher incident beam currents induce higher radiation damage in the mineral. The current instability is consistent with possible electron induced dissociation in the cryolite structure. An analytical protocol was achieved for 6 kV and 15kV accelerating voltage for the correct EPMA analysis of cryolite.
- Electron microprobe analysis of cryolitePublication . Guimarães, Fernanda; Silva, Paulo Bravo; Ferreira, Jorge Amaral; Piedade, A. P.; Vieira, M. T. F.
- Electron microprobe analysis of cryolitePublication . Guimarães, Fernanda; Silva, Paulo Bravo; Ferreira, Jorge Amaral; Piedade, A. P.; Vieira, M. T. F.
- Geochemistry of granites from the Guarda-Sabugal area, PortugalPublication . Neiva, A.M.R.; Silva, Paulo Bravo; Corfu, F.; Ramos, João Farinha
- Geochemistry of granitic aplite-pegmatite veins and sills and their minerals from Cabeço dos Poupos, Sabugal, central PortugalPublication . Neiva, A.M.R.; Silva, Paulo Bravo; Ramos, João Farinha
- Geochemistry of granitic aplite-pegmatite veins and sills and their minerals from the Sabugal area, central PortugalPublication . Neiva, A.M.R.; Silva, Paulo Bravo; Ramos, João FarinhaGranitic beryl-columbite-phosphate subtype aplite-pegmatite veins and sills from the Sabugal area intruded a biotite > muscovite granite which is related to another two-mica granite. Variation diagrams of major and trace elements of whole rocks show fractionation trends. REE patterns and δ18O of whole rocks, BaO and P2O5 contents of K-feldspar, anorthite and P2O5 contents of plagioclase, major element and Li contents of muscovite and lithian muscovite support this series. Least squares analysis of major elements indicate that the biotite > muscovite granite and aplite-pegmatite veins and sills are derived from the earlier two-mica granite magma by fractional crystallization of quartz, plagioclase, K-feldspar, biotite and ilmenite. Modelling of trace elements shows that magmatic fl uxes and fl uids controlled the Rb, Sr and Ba contents of aplite-pegmatites, probably also lithium micas (zinnwaldite, polylithionite and rare lepidolite), cassiterite, columbite-tantalite, fl uorapatite and triplite. In aplite-pegmatites, lithian muscovite replaces primary muscovite and late lithium micas replace lithian muscovite. Complexely zoned columbite crystals are chemically characterized and attributed to disequilibrium conditions. Relations of granites and aplite-pegmatites and pegmatites from other Portuguese and Spanish areas are compared. The granitic aplite-pegmatites from Sabugal are moderately fractionated and the granitic complex type aplite-pegmatites from Gonçalo are the richest in Li and Sn, derived from a higher degree of fractional crystallization and fl uxes and fl uids control the Ba and Rb behaviours and Li, Sn, F and Ta concentrations.
- Geochemistry of minerals, waters and weathering from the Fonte Santa mine area, NE of PortugalPublication . Gomes, Maria Elisa Preto; Antunes, I. Margarida H. Ribeiro; Neiva, A.M.R.; Pacheco, F. A. L.; Silva, Paulo BravoThe quartz veins containing scheelite from Fonte Santa mine area were exploited for W between 1942 and 1982. At the end of November 2006, a flood event damaged the dam land of Fonte Santa mine and metal content of water increased. Fonte Santa mine area cuts the quartzites close to the Fonte Santa muscovite granite. The granite contains quartz, microcline, albite, muscovite, chlorite, columbite-tantalite, volframite, W-ixiolite and ilmenite. The quartz veins contain muscovite, chlorite, tourmaline, scheelite, pyrrhotite, pyrite, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, galena, arsenopyrite, magnetite, jarosite, phosphates of Pb, Fe and AI. The waters related to the Fonte Santa mine are poorly mineralized, with electrical conductivity < 965 ~S / cm, of mixed type or HCO3- and SO42- types. These waters have Fe and Mn contents that forbid to use that for human consumption and agriculture. Sodium, Mg and K water contents are associated with the alteration of albite, chlorite and muscovite of country rock, while Ca is related to the W-bearing quartz veins.
- Geoquímica de soleiras e filões aplito-pegmatíticos graníticos do centro de Portugal : cristalização fraccionada, fluxos e fluídosPublication . Neiva, A.M.R.; Ramos, João Farinha; Silva, Paulo BravoAs soleiras e filões aplito-pegmatíticos graníticos de Arcozelo da Serra, Cabeço dos Poupos (Sabugal) e Gonçalo (Belmonte) podem ser derivados por cristalização fraccionada de quartzo, plagioclase, feldspato potássico e biotite de um magma de granito da área respectiva, o que foi testado por modelização, usando o método de regressão de mínimos quadrados para os elementos maiores e a equação de cristalização fraccionada perfeita para os elementos menores. Há aumento no grau de evolução dos aplito-pegmatitos de Arcozelo da Serra para os de Cabeço dos Poupos e destes para os de Gonçalo, pois há aumento progressivo na quantidade e número de minerais litiníferos. Os aplitopegmatitos graníticos do subtipo lepidolítico são os mais evoluídos e derivam de um maior grau de cristalização fraccionada, sendo os mais ricos em fluxos (H2O, F, P, B) e fluidos. Com o aumento do grau de evolução dos aplitopegmatitos diminui o efeito dos fluxos e fluidos nos teores de Sr e Ba, mas aumentou esse efeito no teor de Rb. A cristalização fraccionada causou aumento nos teores de Rb, Li, F, Sn e Ta nos aplito-pegmatitos graníticos, especialmente nos do subtipo lepidolítico e os fluxos e fluidos influenciaram a cristalização de lepidolite, cassiterite e óxidos de Nb-Ta.
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