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Microstructure characterization of ODS-RAFM steels

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Results of the microstructural characterization of four different RAFM ODS Eurofer 97 batches are presented and discussed. Analyses and observations were performed by nuclear microprobe and scanning and transmission electron microscopy. X-ray elemental distribution maps obtained with proton beam scans showed homogeneous composition within the proton beam spatial resolution and, in particular, pointed to a uniform distribution of ODS (yttria) nanoparticles in the Eurofer 97 matrix. This was confirmed by transmission electron microscopy. Scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy dispersive spectroscopy made evident the presence of chromium carbide precipitation. Precipitates occurred preferentially along grain boundaries (GB) in three of the batches and presented a discrete distribution in the other, as a result of different thermo-mechanical routes. Additional electron backscattered diffraction experiments revealed the crystalline textures in the ferritic polycrystalline structure of the ODS steel samples.



Nuclear materials Oxide Microstructure


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