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RESUMO: O projeto IDEAS “Novel building Integration Designs for increased Efficiencies in Advanced climatically tunable renewable energy Systems” é um projeto financiado pelo Programa HORIZON2020, multidisciplinar que reúne várias temáticas científicas e competências para o desenvolvimento e demonstração de um novo conceito de design para integração de edifícios. O modelo combina várias tecnologias de energia renovável, incluindo solar fotovoltaica, solar térmica, armazenamento de energia térmica e bombas de calor (aerotérmica e geotérmica) acopladas a piso radiante. No presente trabalho os autores querem partilhar a visão e descrição geral do projeto IDEAS, alguns trabalhos que foram desenvolvidos nas primeiras atividades e tarefas do projeto relativamente à fabricação e testes de camadas luminescentes downshifting (LDS) para o módulo fotovoltaico híbrido PVT com concentrador parabólico composto (CPC), bem como apresentar o modelo numérico de todo o sistema IDEAS que se encontra em desenvolvimento para a análise técnico económica do sistema IDEAS.
ABSTRACT: IDEAS project “Novel building Integration Designs for increased Efficiencies in Advanced climatically tunable renewable energy Systems” [1] is a project funded by the HORIZON2020 Program, a multidisciplinary project that brings together various scientific themes and competencies for the development and demonstration of a novel design concept for building integration. The model combines several renewable energy technologies including solar photovoltaic, solar thermal, thermal energy storage, geothermal and air source HP technology coupled with underfloor heating. In this work the authors want to share the vision and the general description of the IDEAS project, work developed in the first activities and tasks of the project regarding the manufacture and testing of luminescent downshifting layers (LDS) for the luminescent compound parabolic concentrator integrated in the IDEAS system, as well as ongoing work on the construction of the numerical model for the technical economic analysis of the IDEAS system
ABSTRACT: IDEAS project “Novel building Integration Designs for increased Efficiencies in Advanced climatically tunable renewable energy Systems” [1] is a project funded by the HORIZON2020 Program, a multidisciplinary project that brings together various scientific themes and competencies for the development and demonstration of a novel design concept for building integration. The model combines several renewable energy technologies including solar photovoltaic, solar thermal, thermal energy storage, geothermal and air source HP technology coupled with underfloor heating. In this work the authors want to share the vision and the general description of the IDEAS project, work developed in the first activities and tasks of the project regarding the manufacture and testing of luminescent downshifting layers (LDS) for the luminescent compound parabolic concentrator integrated in the IDEAS system, as well as ongoing work on the construction of the numerical model for the technical economic analysis of the IDEAS system
CIES2020 - XVII Congresso Ibérico e XIII Congresso Ibero-americano de Energia Solar
Zero Energy Buildings NZEB Solar energy Building integration Energy storage
Aelenei, L... [] - Novo modelo de integração de sistemas avançados de energia renovável nos edifícios. In: CIES2020: As Energias Renováveis na Transição Energética: Livro de Comunicações do XVII Congresso Ibérico e XIII Congresso Ibero-americano de Energia Solar. Helder Gonçalves, Manuel Romero (Ed.). Lisboa, Portugal: LNEG, 3-5 Novembro, 2020, p. 1123-1130
LNEG - Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia