Browsing by Issue Date, starting with "2021-09"
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- A biorefinery approach for the simultaneous production of biofuels and bioplastics [Poster]Publication . Ortigueira, Joana; Leite, T.; Pereira, J.; Serafim, L.S.; Silva, Carla; Moura, Patrícia; Lemos, Paulo Costa
- Marine Microorganisms and Metal interaction: The Start Point of a New Bio solution for Corrosion Protection [Resumo]Publication . Marques, Maria João; Mercier, Dimitri; Seyeux, Antoine; Zanna, Sandrine; Marcus, Philippe; Basseguy, Regine
- Meteorological forecast data: Coupling NWP and CFD Modeling. Merging the datasets: Deliverable D2.2Publication . Couto, AntónioABSTRACT: The work presented in this deliverable was developed by LNEG and R&D NESTER as part of the R&D activities of the project OPTIGRID - Methodology for the dynamic line rating analysis and optimal management of power networks. According to the plan activities of Tasks 2.1 and 2.4, the main objective of this deliverable is to present the methods applied to obtain the meteorological forecast data need to feed the models developed in this project and it merges all the datasets to be used in each case study. According to the work plan, and as reported in the deliverables from Task 4, three case studies were defined for: A) a region with large distributed wind capacity; B) a region with large photovoltaic (PV) potential and limited grid capacity; and C) market splitting occurrence in MIBEL due to congestion in the interconnections. For these regions the meteorological forecast data, used during this project, were obtained using a numerical weather prediction model and computational fluid dynamic model coupling approach. The numerical weather prediction (NWP) model is used to forecast the hourly spatial meteorological data (e.g., wind speed and direction, temperature) during 2018 with a maximum spatial resolution of 3 km. This model is calibrated regarding its physical parametrizations and initial/boundary conditions, among others.
- Least-cost non-RES thermal power plants mix in power systems with majority penetrations of renewable energyPublication . Algarvio, HugoABSTRACT: The ambitious targets of the European Union (EU) for a greater penetration of renewable energy sources (RES) in all areas of activity have led to power systems with growing levels of variable RES (VRES) all over the EU. Considering these targets, the EU countries presented their National Energy and Climate Plans (NECP) with their expected capacity until 2030. The NECPs considered a relevant increase in the VRES capacity and in some cases a decrease in the capacity of dispatchable power plants. VRES have near-zero marginal costs and increase the volatility of the net-load due to the stochastic profile of their production. These characteristics increase the need to maintain fast-response dispatchable power plants to guarantee the security of supply and also decrease market prices. Thus, governments promote externalities, as capacity mechanisms and other incentives to these players, guaranteeing their economic sustainability. This study presents the optimization of the non-RES thermal capacity of the Iberian power system by 2030, considering the least-cost algorithm. Considering a cooperative scenario between Portugal and Spain, it is possible to reduce the system costs by 17.40%, the curtailments quantity by 21.93%, the number of market-splitting hours by 43.26% and the dioxide carbon emissions by 4.76%.
- Unleashing the industrial transformative capacity of innovationsPublication . Fontes, Margarida; Bento, Nuno; Andersen, Allan DahlABSTRACT: This paper investigates the conditions in which the development of new technologies induce structural change in the economy. A literature review reveals three factors that influence the industrial transformative capacity of a technology: context; complementarities; competition. We explore the dynamics of these factors, focusing on the extent and nature of induced activities in adjacent sectors. We apply this framework to study marine renewable energy technologies (MRET) in Portugal. Adjacent sector firms active in several MRET exhibited diversified activity, innovation and internal change. Comparing with Norway, where an offshore sector (oil & gas) supports the emergence of offshore wind, the absence of such sector in Portugal raises challenges but also creates opportunities for the transformation of several other sectors. We develop a new indicator to identify and compare the industrial transformative capacity of innovations. Finally, we discuss the extent to which context, complementarities and competition contribute to accelerate or hinder transformative change.
- Acervos científicos de origem ultramarina do Museu Geológico do LNEGPublication . Cardoso, João Luís; Sequeira, JorgeRESUMO: Ao longo dos tempos, a plêiade de investigadores que na instituição trabalharam ou com ela colaboraram, abarcando as diversas áreas científicas da Geologia, a par da Arqueologia Pré-Histórica e da Arqueologia Mineira, proporcionaram a reunião de valioso acervo, correspondente às coleções científicas que presentemente se podem observar no Museu Geológico, espaço museológico aberto ao público oficialmente por Decreto de 1 de Abril de 1870 publicado no Diário do Governo n.º 74 de 4 de Abril de 1870, correspondendo assim ao mais antigo Museu oficialmente aberto ao público por diploma legal existente em Portugal.
- The use of key enabling technologies in the nearly zero energy buildings monitoring, control and intelligent managementPublication . Lourenço, José Marco; Aelenei, Laura Elena; Facão, Jorge; Goncalves, Helder; Aelenei, Daniel; Pina, João MurtaABSTRACT: The 2018 revision of the European Performance Building Directive (EPBD) requires that from the year 2020 onwards, all new buildings will have to be "nearly zero energy buildings". It also further promotes smart building technologies, raising awareness amongst building owners and occupants of the value behind building automation. The European Commission also identified, in 2011, Key Enabling Technologies (KETs), which provide the basis for innovation in the EU. In the frame of the SUDOKET project, the Solar XXI building was used as a pilot case, as innovative integrated solutions and technologies are monitored and controlled. The objective of this paper is to validate a simulation of the laboratorial test room in EnergyPlus with data obtained experimentally and determine the impact of the control systems on energy needs and on thermal comfort. Two systems, in particular, were studied: the Building-Integrated Photovoltaic (BIPV) and the earth tubes. Once validated, the simulation of the test room without the systems was created, allowing their impact to be determined. The results show that, for the analysed periods, BIPVs reduced the heating consumption by 22% while also increasing thermal comfort, and the earth tube system would reduce the cooling needs by 97%.
- Alteração hidrotermal ácido-sulfato associada aos jazigos de sulfuretos maciços de Lagoa Salgada, Caveira, Lousal, Aljustrel e São Domingos (Faixa Piritosa Ibérica)Publication . Matos, João Xavier; Barriga, Fernando José Arraiano de Sousa; Relvas, Jorge Manuel Rodrigues SanchoRESUMO: A Faixa Piritosa Ibérica é caracterizada por dezenas de jazigos de sulfuretos maciços formados no Famenniano e Tournaisiano em ambiente marinho pela circulação de fluidos hidrotermais através das rochas vulcânicas e sedimentares encaixantes. O seu enquadramento geológico decorre do evento hidrotermal e de processos posteriores como metamorfismo regional, deformação varisca e tardi-varisca e, em alguns casos, exumação, erosão e alteração supergénica. Nos 7 jazigos estudados - Lagoa Salgada, Caveira, Lousal, Algares, São João, São Domingos e Chança, definem-se as seguintes fases de veios de alunite: a) gerados em período sin/tardi-Varisco em deformação dúctil/semi-dúctil e associados a corredores estruturais com cisalhamento - I (paralelos a S1), IIa (oblíquos a S1) e IIb (redes deformadas), sendo a paragénese marcada por alunite/natroalunite ± pirite ± minamiite ± wavellite e acompanhada por argilização precoce (caulinite ± greenalite), apresentando estes veios estrutura em pente, dobramento e génese anterior ou coeva da clivagem S2; b) formados em fases tardi-variscas/eoalpinas/alpinas semi-frágéis/frágeis, com textura porcelanosa e matriz homogénea com pseudocubos de alunite - IIb (redes com veios sub-horizontais) e III (em falhas desligamento) e IV (fraturas irregulares). Em contexto supergénico ocorrem a jarosite e natrojarosite. Não existe uma relação direta entre a argilização supergénica e os veios de alunite I, IIa, IIb e III. A alteração ácido-sulfato foi marcada pela circulação de fluidos muito ácidos e oxidantes, de baixa temperatura, por um período de tempo geológico significativo. O modelo metalogenético infere uma evolução contínua. A caracterização dos chapéus de ferro nos jazigos estudados reflete o seu zonamento: topo com texturas terrosas e cavidades por erosão/dissolução/precipitação; zonas basais mais compactas e maciças, que transitam a muro a níveis de enriquecimento supergénico e, inferiormente, a mineralização primária. Identificaram-se também depósitos coluviais e brechas de preenchimento. A cartografia desenvolvida sobre a alteração ácidosulfato, argilização e oxidação constitui um vetor de prospeção mineral indicador das mineralizações de sulfuretos da Faixa Piritosa.
- Influence of the initial surface roughness of aluminum alloy 5083 on surface modifications in presence of marine microorganisms [Resumo]Publication . Jaume, Julien; Marques, Maria João; Délia, Marie-Line; Basseguy, Regine
- Inter-sectoral relations to accelerate the formation of technological innovation systems. Determinants of actors entry into marine renewable energy technologiesPublication . Bento, Nuno; Fontes, Margarida; Barbosa, JulianaABSTRACT: Decarbonizing the energy system requires new technologies, whose formation and diffusion needs the attraction of actors from different sectors to compose the value chain. Sectoral interactions are crucial and dependent on contextual and technological factors, as well as firm-specific characteristics. This paper examines the determinants of firm diversification towards a new technology and their role in sectoral interactions. We combine concepts from technological innovation systems (TIS), sectoral innovation systems and organization studies to examine the drivers of actors' entry as well as their impact on systems' formation, through the effect on intersectoral relations associated with technological variety and relatedness. The development and demonstration of marine renewable energy technologies (MRET) in Portugal over the past two decades provides the empirical case. A database of 237 companies includes responses from a survey of a large part of the actors involved in MRET and potential entrants. A standard binary logit model estimates the effect of a set of drivers of firms' entry in MRET. Firms are more driven by variety-led factors and technology maturity, than by their technological capacity and sectoral proximity. We derive implications for policy and theory, namely for the conceptualization of inter-sectoral relations in TIS.