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There are currently two main databases in Portugal regarding researchers’ electronic
• the FCT-SIG (Council for Science and Technology-Information and
Management System) – hereafter called the FCT Information System, and
• the DeGóis Platform
Although this report will be concentrated on discussing the DeGóis Platform, since the
latter will prevail in the medium/long term, replacing the former one, we believe it is
useful to shed some light on the FCT Information System, as it still comprises the bulk
of researchers’ electronic CVs in Portugal.
Euro-CV project report.
Researchers Curriculum Vitae DeGóis platform
Fontes, Margarida [et al.]. Building new indicators for researchers’ careers and mobility based on electronic curriculum vitae: the case of the DeGóis platform. Lisboa: INETI/Dinâmia, 2008. 13p.