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  • Energetic and biochemical valorization of cork boiling wastewater by anaerobic digestion
    Publication . Gil, Luís; La Cara, F.; Marques, Isabel Paula
    In addition to energy benefits, anaerobic digestion offers other interesting advantages. The cork industry is of great environmental, economic and social significance in the western Mediterranean region, with Portugal being the world-leading producer and exporter. Cork boiling wastewater (CBW) is a toxic and recalcitrant organic effluent produced by this sector, which constitutes a serious environmental hazard. However, there is no documented research on anaerobic treatment/valorization performed with this effluent. The work presented here was developed with the aim to use the anaerobic digestion process to convert the CBW polluting organic load into an energy carrier gas and valuable molecules for industry.
  • Hybrid anaerobic reactor: Brewery wastewater and piggery effluent valorisation
    Publication . Neves, André; Roseiro, Luisa B.; Ramalho, Luís; Eusebio, Ana; Marques, Isabel Paula
    ABSTRACT: A hybrid anaerobic reactor (HAR) operated to digest brewery wastewater, complemented with piggery effluent (60% and 40% v/v, respectively), under three hydraulic retention times: HRT: 5.7, 3.0 and 1.0 d. Along the first phase, the biogas of 0.9 LL− 1d− 1 evolved to 1.2 LL− 1d− 1 with a methane content of 77–78%. The HRT reduction to 3 days promoted the production until 2.1 LL− 1d− 1, with methane proportions of 79.5%. The operation with an even lower HRT (1 d) allowed to obtain a higher biogas (2.9 LL− 1d− 1, 79.5% CH4). HAR was successfully applied to the mixture digestion, even with a HRT as low as 1 day. Phenolic compounds with antioxidant capacity in effluent adds value, besides the supply of biogas/methane.
  • Anaerobic digestion of pre-treated microalgae biomass [Resumo]
    Publication . Neves, André; Silva, Teresa Lopes da; Reis, Alberto; Ramalho, Luís; Eusebio, Ana; Marques, Isabel Paula
  • Admissibility Grid to Support the Decision for the Preferential Routing of Portuguese Endogenous Waste Biomass for the Production of Biogas, Advanced Biofuels, Electricity and Heat
    Publication . Crujeira, Teresa; Trancoso, Maria Ascensão; Eusebio, Ana; Oliveira, Ana Cristina; Passarinho, Paula; Abreu, Mariana; Marques, Isabel Paula; Marques, Paula; Marques, Susana; Albergaria, Helena; Pinto, Filomena; Costa, Paula; Andre, Rui N.; Girio, Francisco; Moura, Patrícia
    ABSTRACT: A methodology was developed to assess the allocation of different types of endogenous waste biomass to eight technologies for producing electricity, heat, biogas and advanced biofuels. It was based on the identification of key physicochemical parameters for each conversion process and the definition of limit values for each parameter, applied to two different matrices of waste biomass. This enabled the creation of one Admissibility Grid with target values per type of waste biomass and conversion technology, applicable to a decision process in the routing to energy production. The construction of the grid was based on the evaluation of 24 types of waste biomass, corresponding to 48 sets of samples tested, for which a detailed physicochemical characterization and an admissibility assessment were made. The samples were collected from Municipal Solid Waste treatment facilities, sewage sludges, agro-industrial companies, poultry farms, and pulp and paper industries. The conversion technologies and energy products considered were (trans)esterification to fatty acid methyl esters, anaerobic digestion to methane, fermentation to bioethanol, dark fermentation to biohydrogen, combustion to electricity and heat, gasification to syngas, and pyrolysis and hydrothermal liquefaction to bio-oils. The validation of the Admissibility Grid was based on the determination of conversion rates and product yields over 23 case studies that were selected according to the best combinations of waste biomass type versus technological solution and energy product.
  • Cork wastes as energy sources
    Publication . Gil, Luís; Marques, Isabel Paula
    This work shows the possibility of using cork wastes form cork processing for energy production. In cork processing operations an important waste is produced, cork powder, the main waste of the cork industry, which is estimated to reach over 30000 tons/year. There are various types of cork powders with higher calorific values ranging from 4,000-7,000 Kcal/kg. This powder is commonly burned to produce steam or heat used in the factories themselves, given the high energy content of this material. As an example, a cork company of a large industrial group that produces cork products for construction meets 60% of its energy needs using waste cork. Cork boiling wastewater (CBW) is an aqueous and complex effluent of the cork industry which is produced during the boiling of the cork planks. CBW contains organic materials such as phenolic. This boiling wastewater has no utility, being a serious environmental hazard. Anaerobic digestion is a promising technology for the treatment of organic effluents and for the simultaneous recovery of its energetic potential through methane production. Its application to cork effluents was studied. An anaerobic assay was conducted. The resultant methane potentials were 0.126 - 0.142 m3 CH4 kg-1 COD. The calculated total volume of CBW produced yearly in Portugal is 30 374 m3. As 1 m3 of CBW (6,5 COD kg m-3) in cogeneration can produce in average 1,72 kWh of electric energy and 3,73 kWh of thermal energy, the total CBW volume produced in Portugal in one year corresponds to a total energy value of 165 400 kWh.
  • A novel β-xylosidase from Anoxybacillus sp. 3M towards an improved agro-industrial residues saccharification
    Publication . Marcolongo, L.; La Cara, F.; Del Monaco, G.; Paixão, Susana M.; Alves, Luís; Ionata, E.; Marques, Isabel Paula
    ABSTRACT: An intracellular β-xylosidase (AbXyl), fromthe thermoalkaline Anoxybacillus sp. 3M,was purified and characterized. The homodimeric enzyme (140 kDa) was optimally active at 65 °C and pH 5.5, exhibited half life of 10 h at 60 °C, 78 and 88% residual activity after 24 h, at pH 4.5 and 8.0, respectively. Fe2+, Cu2+, Al3+, Ag+ and Hg2+inhibited the enzyme; the activity was moderately stimulated by SDS and not influenced by β-mercaptoethanol. In the presence of p-nitrophenyl-β-D-xylopyranoside, AbXyl exhibited Km of 0.19 mM, Kcat of 453.29 s−1, KcatKm−1 of 2322 s−1mMandwas moderately influenced by xylose (Ki 21.25mM). The enzyme hydrolyzed xylo-oligomers into xylose and catalyzed transxylosilation reactions also in presence of alcohols as acceptors, producing xylo-oligosaccharides and alkyl-xylosides. Finally AbXyl was applied towards a statistically optimized process of brewery's spent grain bioconversion, highlighting the important role of this biocatalyst in reaching high yields of fermentable sugars.
  • Potencial bioenergético dos resíduos orgânicos das florestas e da indústria aviária da região de Lafões
    Publication . d'Espiney, Ana; Marques, Isabel Paula
    RESUMO: A Associação de Desenvolvimento Rural de Lafões (ADRL, Portugal), entidade de gestão florestal e promotora desta pesquisa, desenvolve esforços que visam a adequada gestão dos resíduos originados na região. Na percussão de estratégias para uma gestão sustentável, definiu-se como objetivo numa primeira etapa o mapeamento dos resíduos da indústria aviária e das unidades de gestão florestal de Lafões. Utilizaram-se métodos baseados em Sistemas de Informação Geográfica, orientados por pressupostos metodológicos, referidos em bibliografia selecionada a partir de revisão bibliográfica, obtendo-se a quantidade anual em matéria seca, no que concerne à biomassa florestal. Quanto à biomassa dos aviários, optou-se pela recolha de dados junto das entidades regionais, seguindo as orientações metodológicas do IPCC e de outras entidades nacionais, estimando-se a sua quantidade anual em sólidos voláteis. Os valores obtidos foram 67 Mt VS/ano (60% da classe florestal eucalipto e 33% da pinheiro-bravo) e 69 Mt MS/ano (78 % da classe de aves frango) de biomassa florestal e dos aviários, respetivamente.
  • Energetic potential of piggery effluent by anaerobic digestion [Resumo]
    Publication . Eusebio, Ana; Ramalho, Luís; Carvalheiro, Florbela; Gírio, Francisco; Marques, Isabel Paula
    ABSTRACT: The sector of pig farming in Portugal is looking for sustainable and practical solutions to overcome existing environmental problems caused by very polluting discharges of effluents in rivers and wastewater treatment plants. The anaerobic digestion (AD) is a suitable process used to treat an organic effluent and, simultaneously, provide the agricultural and energetic valorisation of the substrate. The main objective of this work was to evaluate the energetic potential of a piggery effluent, collected in a pig farm with 9,000 animals, estimated in a volume of 900-1,170 m3 d-1. Anaerobic digestion assays were carried out in batch mode, under anaerobic and mesophilic conditions.
  • TGGE-monitoring of the microbial community along the olive mill wastewaters anaerobic treatment
    Publication . Eusebio, Ana; Tacão, M.; Baeta-Hall, Lina; Freitas, P.; Almeida-Vara, Elsa; Marques, Isabel Paula