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Cutululis, Nicolaos Antonio

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  • Review of wind generation within adequacy calculations and capacity markets for different power systems
    Publication . Soder, Lennart; Tómasson, Egill; Estanqueiro, Ana; Flynn, Damian; Hodge, Bri-Mathias; Kiviluoma, Juha; Korpås, Magnus; Neau, Emmanuel; Couto, António; Pudjianto, Danny; Strbac, Goran; Burke, Daniel; Gomez, Tomas; Das, Kaushik; Cutululis, Nicolaos Antonio; Van Hertem, Dirk; Hoschle, Hanspeter; Matevosyan, Julia; von Roon, Serafin; Carlini, Enrico Maria; Caprabianca, Mauro; Vrie, Laurens de
    ABSTRACT: The integration of renewable energy sources, including wind power, in the adequacy assessment of electricity generation capacity becomes increasingly important as renewable energy generation increases in volume and replaces conventional power plants. The contribution of wind power to cover the electricity demand is less certain than conventional power sources; therefore, the capacity value of wind power is smaller than that of conventional plants. This article presents an overview of the adequacy challenge, how wind power is handled in the regulation of capacity adequacy, and how wind power is treated in a selection of jurisdictions. The jurisdictions included in the overview are Sweden, Great Britain, France, Ireland, United States (PJM and ERCOT), Finland, Portugal, Spain, Norway, Denmark, Belgium, Germany, Italy and the Netherlands.
  • Variability in large-scale wind power generation
    Publication . Kiviluoma, Juha; Holttinen, Hannele; Weir, David; Scharff, Richard; Söder, Lennart; Menemenlis, Nickie; Cutululis, Nicolaos Antonio; Lopez, Irene Danti; Lannoye, E.; Estanqueiro, Ana; Gomez-Lázaro, E.; Zhang, Qin; Bai, Jianhua; Yih-Huei, Wan; Milligan, Michael
    The paper demonstrates the characteristics of wind power variability and net load variability in multiple power systems based on real data from multiple years. Demonstrated characteristics include probability distribution for different ramp durations, seasonal and diurnal variability and low net load events. The comparison shows regions with low variability (Sweden, Spain and Germany), medium variability (Portugal, Ireland, Finland and Denmark) and regions with higher variability (Quebec, Bonneville Power Administration and Electric Reliability Council of Texas in North America; Gansu, Jilin and Liaoning in China; and Norway and offshore wind power in Denmark). For regions with low variability, the maximum 1?h wind ramps are below 10% of nominal capacity, and for regions with high variability, they may be close to 30%. Wind power variability is mainly explained by the extent of geographical spread, but also higher capacity factor causes higher variability. It was also shown how wind power ramps are autocorrelated and dependent on the operating output level. When wind power was concentrated in smaller area, there were outliers with high changes in wind output, which were not present in large areas with well-dispersed wind power.
  • System impact studies for near 100% renewable energy systems dominated by inverter based variable generation
    Publication . Holttinen, Hannele; Kiviluoma, Juha; Flynn, Damian; Smith, J. Charles; Orths, Antje; Eriksen, Peter Børre; Cutululis, Nicolaos Antonio; Söder, Lennart; Korpås, Magnus; Estanqueiro, Ana; MacDowell, Jason; Tuohy, Aidan; Vrana, Til Kristian; O'Malley, Mark
    ABSTRACT: The demand for low carbon energy calls for close to 100% renewable power systems, with decarbonization of other energy sectors adding to the anticipated paradigm shift. Rising levels of variable inverter-based renewable energy sources (VIBRES) are prompting questions about how such systems will be planned and operated when variable renewable generation becomes the dominant technology. Here, we examine the implications of this paradigm shift with respect to planning, operation and system stability, also addressing the need for integration with other energy vectors, including heat, transport and Power-to-X. We highlight the knowledge gaps and provide recommendations for improved methods and models needed as power systems transform towards 100% VIBRES.
  • Design and operation of energy systems with large amounts of variable generation: Final summary report, IEA Wind TCP Task 25
    Publication . Holttinen, Hannele; Kiviluoma, Juha; Helistö, Niina; Levy, Thomas; Menemenlis, Nickie; Jun, Liu; Cutululis, Nicolaos Antonio; Koivisto, Matti; Das, Kaushik; Orths, Antje; Eriksen, Peter Børre; Neau, Emmanuel; Bourmaud, Jean-Yves; Dobschinski, Jan; Pellinger, Christoph; von Roon, Serafin; Guminski, Andrej; Flynn, Damian; Carlini, Enrico Maria; Yasuda, Yoh; Tanabe, Ryuya; Watson, Simon; van der Meer, Arjen; Morales-España, Germán; Korpås, Magnus; Vrana, Til Kristian; Estanqueiro, Ana; Couto, António; Silva, Bernardo; Martínez, Sergio Martín; Söder, Lennart; Strbac, Goran; Pudjianto, Danny; Giannelos, Spyros; Frew, Bethany; Hodge, Bri-Mathias; Shah, Shahil; Smith, J. Charles; Lew, Debbie; O'Malley, Mark; Klonari, Vasiliki
    ABSTRACT: This report summarises findings on wind integration from the 17 countries or sponsors participating in the International Energy Agency Wind Technology Collaboration Programme (IEA Wind TCP) Task 25 from 2006–2020. Both real experience and studies are reported. Many wind integration studies incorporate solar energy, and most of the results discussed here are valid for other variable renewables in addition to wind. The national case studies address several impacts of wind power on electric power systems. In this report, they are grouped under long-term planning issues and short-term operational impacts. Long-term planning issues include grid planning and capacity adequacy. Short-term operational impacts include reliability, stability, reserves, and maximising the value of wind in operational timescales (balancing related issues). The first section presents the variability and uncertainty of power system-wide wind power, and the last section presents recent studies toward 100% shares of renewables. The appendix provides a summary of ongoing research in the national projects contributing to Task 25 for 2021–2024. The design and operation of power and energy systems is an evolving field. As ambitious targets toward net-zero carbon energy systems are announced globally, many scenarios are being made regarding how to reach these future decarbonized energy systems, most of them involving large amounts of variable renewables, mainly wind and solar energy. The secure operation of power systems is increasingly challenging, and the impacts of variable renewables, new electrification loads together with increased distribution system resources will lead to somewhat different challenges for different systems. Tools and methods to study future power and energy systems also need to evolve, and both short term operational aspects (such as power system stability) and long-term aspects (such as resource adequacy) will probably see new paradigms of operation and design. The experience of operating and planning systems with large amounts of variable generation is accumulating, and research to tackle the challenges of inverter-based, nonsynchronous generation is on the way. Energy transition and digitalization also bring new flexibility opportunities, both short and long term.