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RESUMO: Quer as mediƧƵes experimentais realizadas com radiĆ³metros, quer as simulaƧƵes Ć³pticas jĆ” efectuadas, evidenciam a dificuldade de obtenĆ§Ć£o de fluxos homogĆ©neos de radiaĆ§Ć£o solar, nos atuais fornos solares de elevada concentraĆ§Ć£o. Apesar de se recorrer a dispositivos Ć³pticos denominados homogeneizadores do fluxo da radiaĆ§Ć£o, os atuais fornos solares nĆ£o conseguem contornar satisfatoriamente este problema. Neste trabalho propƵe-se uma soluĆ§Ć£o baseada na utilizaĆ§Ć£o de concentradores solares com dois parabolĆ³ides, um grande e um pequeno, com o mesmo ponto focal. De acordo com as nossas simulaƧƵes de Ć³ptica geomĆ©trica, a dupla reflexĆ£o pelos dois parabolĆ³ides permite obter radiaĆ§Ć£o homogĆ©nea numa regiĆ£o central circular com dimensƵes adequadas.
ABSTRACT: Both experimental measurements made with radiometers and optical modelling studies show the difficulty to obtain homogeneous fluxes of concentrated solar radiation in the existing high-concentration solar furnaces. Despite the use of optical devices so-called radiation homogenizers, the existing solar furnaces are not able to overcome this problem in a satisfactory manner. In this work a solution is proposed based on two paraboloids, a large and a small, both with the same focal point. According to our simulations of geometrical optics, the double reflexion on the two paraboloid surfaces permits to obtain homogeneous flux radiation in a circular central zone with suitable dimensions.
ABSTRACT: Both experimental measurements made with radiometers and optical modelling studies show the difficulty to obtain homogeneous fluxes of concentrated solar radiation in the existing high-concentration solar furnaces. Despite the use of optical devices so-called radiation homogenizers, the existing solar furnaces are not able to overcome this problem in a satisfactory manner. In this work a solution is proposed based on two paraboloids, a large and a small, both with the same focal point. According to our simulations of geometrical optics, the double reflexion on the two paraboloid surfaces permits to obtain homogeneous flux radiation in a circular central zone with suitable dimensions.
CIES2020 - XVII Congresso IbƩrico e XIII Congresso Ibero-americano de Energia Solar
Solar energy Solar furnace Optimization Optical modelling Concentrated solar power
Pereira, J.C.G... [] - HomogeneizaĆ§Ć£o do fluxo em concentradores solares de elevada intensidade. In: CIES2020: As Energias RenovĆ”veis na TransiĆ§Ć£o EnergĆ©tica: Livro de ComunicaƧƵes do XVII Congresso IbĆ©rico e XIII Congresso Ibero-americano de Energia Solar. Helder GonƧalves, Manuel Romero (Ed.). Lisboa, Portugal: LNEG, 3-5 Novembro, 2020, p. 227-234
LNEG - LaboratĆ³rio Nacional de Energia e Geologia