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RESUMEN: La República de Angola dispone de un amplio e interesante catálogo de mineralizaciones, según
sus diversos entornos geológicos y geotectónicos, que cubren edades desde el arcaico superior hasta épocas
más recientes. Esto hace de Angola una región de gran interés por su potencial en yacimientos minerales.
Prueba de ello es el fruto de la exploración e importante actividad minera desarrollada a lo largo de las
últimas décadas, que ha permitido el descubrimiento de importantes yacimientos de elementos de interés
económico (p.ej., Fe, Au, Li, ETR, diamantes, etc.), algunos de los cuales se encuentran actualmente
activos, abriendo nuevas expectativas mineras en la región. El presente Mapa Metalogenético del Sur de
Angola a escala 1:1.000.000 fue elaborado como parte del programa de Cartografía Geológica del Plan
Nacional de Geología de Angola (PLANAGEO, 2014-2022). Este mapa reagrupa y destaca la distribución
de las concentraciones minerales, definiendo por primera vez las provincias metalogenéticas del sur de
Angola, que son función directa de la relación entre la mineralización y las características geológicas de la
región, y servirá de base para futuras investigaciones de exploración minera.
ABSTRACT: The Republic of Angola has a very diverse and interesting catalogue of mineralisations, determined by their geological and/or geotectonic environments, spanning from the upper Archaean to more recent times. This makes Angola significant for potential mineral deposits. The exploration and mining activities over recent decades have led to the discovery of economically valuable deposits of various elements, such as Fe, Au, Li, REE, and diamonds, some of which are currently active. As a result, new mining opportunities have been created in the region. The Metallogenetic Map of Southern Angola at 1:1.000.000 scale was part of the Geological Mapping programme of the National Geology Plan of Angola (PLANAGEO, 2014-2022). This map highlights the distribution of mineral concentrations and defines for the first time the metallogenic provinces of southern Angola, that are directly linked to the geological features of the region. This information will serve as a basis for future mineral exploration research.
ABSTRACT: The Republic of Angola has a very diverse and interesting catalogue of mineralisations, determined by their geological and/or geotectonic environments, spanning from the upper Archaean to more recent times. This makes Angola significant for potential mineral deposits. The exploration and mining activities over recent decades have led to the discovery of economically valuable deposits of various elements, such as Fe, Au, Li, REE, and diamonds, some of which are currently active. As a result, new mining opportunities have been created in the region. The Metallogenetic Map of Southern Angola at 1:1.000.000 scale was part of the Geological Mapping programme of the National Geology Plan of Angola (PLANAGEO, 2014-2022). This map highlights the distribution of mineral concentrations and defines for the first time the metallogenic provinces of southern Angola, that are directly linked to the geological features of the region. This information will serve as a basis for future mineral exploration research.
Metallogeny Mineral resources Planageo Angola
Merino-Martínez, E., Batista, M.J., Martín-Méndez, I., Oliveira, D., Feria, M.C., Fortes, C., Prazeres, C., Buzzi-Marcos, J., Chinchilla-Benavides, D., García-Lobón, J.L. & Manuel, J. (2024) El Mapa Metalogenético preliminar del Sur de Angola a escala 1:1.000.000. In: Geo-Temas, vol. 20, XI Congresso Geológico de España, Ávila, España, 2-6 July, 2024, p. 1346-1349