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New Greenhouse Gas simulation and mapping tools to support local carbon neutrality agendas: application to the city of Almada

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ABSTRACT: The aim of this work is to develop three innovative decision support tools: (1) a scenario tool that enables users to interactively design scenarios of activity variables that support decarbonisation trajectories on a local scale; (2) a mitigation tool that translates scenarios into greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, taking into account the identification and prioritisation of the most innovative, cost-effective mitigation options (technological and behavioural) for Portuguese municipalities; and (3) a mapping tool to identify GHG emissions ‘hot spots’ on a local scale. In the first phase, these tools are applied and tested for the case study of the city of Almada in support of the ‘Agenda for a Carbon Neutral Almada by 2050’. These tools will also contribute to the training and involvement of local stakeholders, to improve the design of local GHG emissions mitigation strategies and roadmap. In the second phase, these tools will be further developed so they can be used in other Portuguese municipalities.



Carbon neutrality Climate mitigation Policy strategies Cities Almada Portugal


Amorim, F., Simões, S., Barbosa, J., Oliveira, P., Trindade, P., Aelenei, L., Catarino, J., Viana, S. & Figueiredo, L. (2024) New Greenhouse Gas simulation and mapping tools to support local carbon neutrality agendas: application to the city of Almada. In: Sustainable Development and Planning XIII Conference, Seville, Spain, 23–25 September 2024. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, vol. 262, p. 873-884.

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