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- A certificação de qualidade em sistemas solares para aquecimento de águaPublication . Costa, J. Cruz; Carvalho, Maria João; Mendes, J. Farinha; Prates, Manuel João LopesTendo em atenção a política nacional para o desenvolvimento do mercado da Energia Solar Térmica, motivada pela necessidade de uma maior utilização das Energias Endógenas (Resolução do Conselho de Ministros nº154/2001 de 27 de Setembro), descreve-se a situação actual na área dos Equipamentos Solares para Aquecimento de Água, no que diz respeito à Certificação de Produtos e à Certificação de Pessoas, como medidas necessárias para a Garantia de Qualidade nesta área.
- European round robin test on solar collectors and solar thermal systemsPublication . Fischer, S.; Carvalho, Maria João; Weißmüller, C.Within the European project QAiST (Quality Assurance in Solar Thermal Heating and Cooling Technology)a Round Robin test on solar collectors and solar thermal systems is carried out in the years 2010 and 2011. For two different collector types, one flat plate collector and one evacuated tubular collector with CPC reflector, thermal performance tests according to EN 12975-2 (EN 12975, 2006) are carried out by 12 different test institutes throughout Europe. The two different solar thermal systems, one thermosiphon system and one system with forced circulation are subject to a thermal performance test according to EN 12976-2 (EN 12976, 2006) and are tested by 9 different test institutes.In order to finish the Round Robin test within two years despite of the high number of participants, the following procedure was applied: Each participant received in the year 2010 samples of the two different collector types and of the two solar thermal system types respectively. After testing, the samples have been sent to the next test institute to be tested within the year 2011. Thus all institutes are testing identical collectors and system types taken out of the same production batch, however each unique collector or system is only tested by two institutes. For the first time Round Robin tests on solar thermal products are evaluated by an independent institute (Institut für Eignungsprüfung) using the acknowledged procedures for the evaluation of proficiency tests.This paper presents some of the midterm results of the Round Robin test in an anonymous and standardised way.
- Heuristic algorithm for the piecewise linear segmentation of multiple time-series for solar thermal systems inverse modellingPublication . Lopes, Vitor V.; Ferro, Filipa; Carvalho, Maria João; Novais, Augusto Q.This paper presents a novel algorithm for the piecewise linear segmentation of multivariate time-series and proposes its application to the analysis of hot water thermal solar systems (TSS). The ISO 9459-5:2007 norm describes a non-intrusive dynamic test for the performance assessment of TSS. This allows to characterize the system heat losses and the thermal stratification properties, as well as to predict its long-term performance. The application of this norm requires an inverse modeling approach where the parameters of a simplified plug flow storage model, based on simulation runs, are determined through an optimization procedure aiming at the adjustment of the predicted results to those obtained by a predefined experimental test sequence (3-5 days). This paper proposes a new method to decrease the computation time required for the model simulation, which is based on the segmentation of the multivariate time-series into a piecewise linear approximation, where the number of segments is critically selected. An illustrative example is presented consisting in the simulation of a real 3-day experimental dataset with 26873 points and a 15 s sampling rate.
- Intercomparison of opto-thermal spectral measurements for concentrating solar thermal receiver materials from room temperature up to 800 °CPublication . Caron, Simon; Farchado, Meryem; San Vicente, Gema; Morales, Angel; Ballestrin, Jesus; Carvalho, Maria João; Páscoa, Soraia; Baron, Estelle; Disdier, Angela; Guillot, Emmanuel; Escape, Christophe; Binyamin, Yaniv; Baidossi, Mubeen; Sutter, Florian; Roger, Marc; Manzano-Agugliaro, FranciscoABSTRACT: An intercomparison of opto-thermal spectral measurements has been performed for some relevant receiver materials in concentrating solar thermal applications, from room temperature up to 800 degrees C. Five European laboratories performed spectral measurements at room temperature, while two laboratories performed infrared spectral measurements at operating temperature up to 800 degrees C. Relevant materials include Haynes 230 (oxidized, Pyromark 2500 and industrial black coating) and silicon carbide. Two key figures of merit were analyzed: i) solar absorptance alpha sol at room temperature, over the spectral range [0.3 - 2.5] mu m, ii) thermal emittance epsilon th(T), over the common spectral range [2-14] mu m, derived from spectral measurements performed from room temperature up to 800 degrees C. Oxidized H230 reached an alpha sol value of 90.9 +/- 1.0%. Pyromark 2500 reached an alpha sol value of 96.3 +/- 0.5%, while the industrial black coating achieved an alpha sol value of 97.0 +/- 0.4%. Silicon carbide reached an alpha sol value of 93.5 +/- 1.1%. Low standard deviations in alpha sol indicate reproducible measurements at room temperature. For oxidized H230, the epsilon th,calc(T) value varied from 55% at room temperature up to 81% at 800 degrees C. For Pyromark 2500 and the industrial black coating, epsilon th,calc(T) fluctuated between 90% and 95%, with a weak temperature dependence. For silicon carbide, epsilon th,calc(T) varied from 70% at room temperature up to 86% at 800 degrees C. The typical standard deviation among participating laboratories is about 3%. epsilon th,meas(T) values derived from spectral measurements at operating temperature were consistent within a few percentage points in comparison to epsilon th,calc(T) values derived from spectral measurements at room temperature.
- Components of solar thermal systemsPublication . Mendes, J. Farinha; Carvalho, Maria João; Schossig, PeterThe heat production sub-system is the part of the overall system which provides heat to a thermally driven air-conditioning system. With regards to the solar-driven equipment, the solar collector is the main component of the sub-system. A brief review on the present state-of-the-art with respect to performance characteristics and available certification schemes of solar collectors is given in the following chapter. Besides the solar collector field, the storage unit and the back-up heat source unit are also important components. An overview of these items and the identification of other relevant components of the solar thermal system are given in the following sections.
- New test methodologies to analyse direct expansion solar assisted heat pumps for domestic hot waterPublication . Facão, Jorge; Carvalho, Maria JoãoSince there are not specific standards for testing direct expansion solar assisted heat pumps for domestic hot water, new testing methodologies are proposed supported by laboratory experiments. Two methodologies were developed for performance measurement: modified BIN method and long term performance prediction with a TRNSYS model validated with specific experimental conditions. The long term performance prediction is a methodology similar to the already obtained for solar thermal systems. A system was tested in Lisbon during one year, covering almost all possible local weather conditions. The hot water tapping test cycle used was in agreement with recent standards EN16147:2011 or EN15316-3-1:2007. The influence of average daily air temperature, dew point temperature and solar irradiation was analysed. The seasonal performance factor was calculated for two cities in Portugal (Lisbon and Porto) and for additional four cities in Europe (Davos, Athens, Helsinki and Strasburg). The establishment of a procedure to calculate the seasonal performance of this kind of systems is very important according to the directive 2009/28/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council.
- Sistema solar para aquecimento ambiente e aquecimento de piscinas: uma solução promissora para climas do Sul da EuropaPublication . Carvalho, Maria João; Neves, AnaA avaliação do sistema apresentado neste trabalho foi focada em sistemas que podem fornecer água quente, aquecimento ambiente e aquecimento de piscinas, e que são projectados para climas do Sul da Europa, especialmente para habitações uni-familiares. Pelas características climáticas do Sul da Europa, o aquecimento ambiente é apenas necessário para um curto período do ano, sendo para esta avaliação considerado um período de seis meses para aquecimento ambiente e um período de seis meses para aquecimento de piscinas. Estes sistemas são actualmente utilizados por um mercado reduzido de pessoas, que estão a construir as suas casas como habitações uni-familiares e que desejam também usufruir das condições climáticas dos seus países, para o uso da energia solar. É comum que a integração de uma piscina seja também projectada e construída. A avaliação apresentada foi realizada considerando como sistema de referência um sistema do tipo “kit” com uma área de colector de 4m 2 e um depósito de 300 l. O sistema em avaliação oferece um serviço extra aquecimento ambiente e de piscinas e é constituído por um campo de colectores e por um depósito combinado, capaz de fornecer águas quentes sanitárias e aquecimento ambiente no período de Inverno e também aquecimento de piscinas no período de Verão. A avaliação realizada mostra que nos climas do Sul da Europa este sistema irá fornecer um serviço extra em comparação com os sistemas solares térmicos tradicionais, podendo também ser economicamente interessante.
- Optical properties of solar absorbers : results on Round Robin and guidelinesPublication . Carvalho, Maria João; Páscoa, Soraia; Sallaberry, Fabienne; Wilson, Helen Rose; Fischer, S.; Loren, Anders; Bohren, Andreas; Nielsen, Jan ErikABSTRACT: The scope of the standard ISO 22975-3:2014 is the determination of the long term behavior and service life of selective solar absorbers for use in vented flat plate collectors used in typical solar domestic hot water systems or combisystems. With this scope, this standard can be the basis for the certification of solar absorbers in the framework of Solar Keymark European Certification Scheme. Measurements of optical properties are fundamental to support this certification. Six test laboratories participated in a Round Robin test for the measurement of solar absorptance and thermal emittance of different absorber coatings. The samples used were one PVD coating and two selective paint coatings all on aluminum substrates. The results were submitted anonymously and were analyzed according to standard ISO 13528:2015. The results obtained showed good agreement among the measurements made by the participants and allowed the preparation of guidelines to guarantee quality of the measurements of optical properties of solar absorbers. A proposal to include absorber coatings in the Solar Keymark certification scheme was prepared.
- Accelerated aging tests to selective solar absorber coatings for low temperature applicationsPublication . Cunha Diamantino, Teresa; Gonçalves, Rita; Páscoa, Soraia; Alves, Isabel Nascimento; Carvalho, Maria JoãoABSTRACT: The need of a higher role of solar energy within the energy mix in the coming decades obliges the collectors to increase their performance and reliability. It is demanded that the solar absorbers, as the key component of solar thermal collectors, should be low cost with high efficiency for extended lifetimes under different kinds of environments. Commercially, there are presently two main types of solutions as selective solar absorbers coatings for low temperature applications: coatings obtained by physical vapour deposition (PVD) and by paint coatings (PC). These coatings present different physical and chemical characteristics. Therefore, it is important to know how these commercial coatings degrade over time in different environments. Results obtained with two different PVD coatings and three PC, under different accelerated aging tests, are presented. The aging tests performed included different environmental stress corrosion conditions: temperature, humidity, chlorides, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides. The chlorides and the gases SO2 and NO2 affect distinctly the different selective coatings. Cyclic variation of corrosion promoting gases (sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide), higher humidity, salt spraying and drying seem to be an aging test that reflects the different environments where the solar thermal collectors are exposed. In addition to the contaminants, drying/wetting cycles also play an important role in degradation mechanisms of absorber coatings. So, the international standard ISO 22975-3 needs to be revised to include cyclic conditions with these contaminants.
- Novos serviços laboratoriais de suporte na otimização de coletores solares térmicos: projeto LIFESOLAR - 2ª partePublication . Páscoa, Soraia; Cunha Diamantino, Teresa; Carvalho, Maria JoãoRESUMO: Portugal é um país com grande potancial de aproveitamento de energia solar térmica para aplicações domésticas e industriais. Estas aplicações podem ser utilizadas para produção de água quente, para aquecimento de piscimas, águas sanitárias ou para processos industriais a baixas (20-95ºC) e médias temperaturas (95ºC-250ºC) de funcionamento, podendo assim abranger diferentes tecnologias, desde coletores estacionários a coletores concentradores com seguimento. O território continental português é particularmente marcado pela extensa linha de costa que, juntamente com o elevado recurso solar, tem um forte impacto na durabilidade dos componentes dos coletores, quer sejam metálicos ou poliméricos, e no respetivo tempo de vida útil.